Written Communication Skills Essay

Written Communication Skills Essay

Importance of Written Communication Skills at University and in the Workplace

As people continue to interact in the information age, written communication is becoming the most appropriate way of exchanging information. People in different fields, including learning institutions and organization’s workplace, are sharing information via text and messages more than before. This begs the question, “why it is important to have strong written communication skills in particular areas such as at university and in the workplace?”

At the university level, written communication is regarded as among the leading competencies for academic success. The high percentage of information exchange between the instructors and students is done through written communication. Students need excellent writing communication skills to present their solutions to the tutors in a clear manner that is characterized by a smooth flow of arguments and use of appropriate academic writing style. At a higher learning level, the written communication mainly involves two parties, a student and a professor. The two parties are, in most cases, are unable to communicate at the same time; that is, the receiver cannot provide instant feedback. The sender, the professor, gives assessments through written communication, which the receiver, the student, should provide feedback. To do so effectively, the student needs great written communication skills to translate the requirements of the assignment and provide the meaning through written work.Order Now from Course ResearchersThe importance of written communication skills extends to the workplace. The modern-day workplace is dominated by interactions that demand the application of the written word. Virtual workplaces are replacing physical working environments, making written communication an important way of sharing information among the employees and the management team. The written communication in the workplace depicts the professional approach, though which collaborations and business agreements are built. In the current labour market, employers have placed great value on written communication, and they are looking for candidates who can compose concise, clear and error-free texts.

Written communication is as important as oral communication. At the university level, the student needs to develop strong written communication skills to provide feedback to the assessment tasks in a manner that portrays the high degree of presenting ideas in a clear and argumentative way. In the workplace, the employees need written communication skills to exchange information among themselves as well as management and third parties in a professional manner.

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