Writing Annotated Bibliography APA Style

Writing Annotated Bibliography APA Style

Drago, E. (2015). The Effect of Technology on Face-to-Face Communication. The Elon Journal of Undergraduate               Research in Communications, 6(1), 13-19.

         This article examines the impact of technology on verbal communication. The article is based on the study that was carried out using field observations, online surveys, and previous studies to determine the influence of recent technological developments on how individuals communicate. This article is useful for the readers who want to acquire more information on how technology has affected verbal communication. The study was conducted in 2015, and it has employed different research methods. Therefore, the article contains the current information and eliminates the aspects of bias.

Ean, L. C. (2012). Face-to-face Versus Computer-mediated Communication: Exploring Employees’ Preference of                Effective Employee Communication Channel. International Journal for the Advancement of Science & Arts,                1(2), 38-48.

This article explores how technology-based communication affects face to face communication in the workplace setting. The author strives to determine how the current technology-based communication has changed the way of communication in the organizational context and whether it has replaced face to face communication which is the traditional channel of communication. This is an essential article for those who want to know the benefits of using face to communication in the organizational setting. It is a credible source since it is a current article that was written in 2012 and avoids any element of bias because it was based on different organizations which had both females and males as the study participants.

Lee, P. S., Lo, V.-H., Leung, L., & Wu, T. (2014). Internet Communication Versus Face-to-face Interaction in Quality             of Life. Social Indicators Research, 100, 375–38. doi:10.1007/s11205-010-9618-3

The study by Lee, Lo, Leung, & Wu (2014) explored in this article strives to investigate whether internet communication enhances the quality of life as it is the case with oral communication. The study compares between verbal and internet communications which one has a higher influence on individuals’ quality of life. The study is useful for the readers to understand the benefits of both faces to face internet communication in their lives. It is a credible source that explains the position of face to face communication in the society that might have replaced this traditional mode of communication with computer-mediated communication.

Pea, R., Nass, C., Meheula, L., Rance, M., Kumar, A., Bamford, H., . . . Zhou, M. (2012). Media Use, Face-to-Face              Communication, Media Multitasking, and Social Well-Being Among 8- to 12-Year-Old Girls. American                          Psychological Association, 48(2), 327–336. doi: 10.1037/a0027030

The authors of this article explore the impacts that direct communication, social media consumption and media dependency on the social well-being of the users with the focus to 8- 12-year-old girls. The study was conducted through an online survey in North America where over 3, 461 aged between 8 and 12 years were participants. The study was based on granular measurements for media multitasking and new comparative measurement on establishing the correlation between media and face to face communication. This source meets the criterion of credibility since it has been reviewed and approved by the American Psychological Association. Besides, the article was written in 2012, and therefore, it is a credible source for the reader who wants to examine the importance of verbal communication in the midst of the current technology-mediated communication.

Sisman, B., Yoruk, S., & Eleren, A. (2013). Social Anxiety and Usage of Online Technological Communication Tools             among Adolescents. Journal of Economic and Social Studies, 3(2), 101-108.

The article by Sisman, Yoruk, & Eleren (2013) investigates how internet communication among the adolescents has eroded face to face communication. The key objective of the article is to establish how young people use technology for social interaction and how the social anxiety among the teens affects how they verbally communicate with other people (face to face communication). This article is helpful to the researchers and readers who may want to know how different social interactive technological tools have affected today’s face to face communication among the teens. The article contains the current information since it was written in 2013. It is also unbiased because it has used teens from both genders as the study participants.

VanDoorn, G., & Eklund, A. A. (2013). Face to Facebook: Social media and the learning and teaching potential of               symmetrical, synchronous communication. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 10(1), 1-14.               Retrieved from http://ro.uow.edu.au/jutlp/vol10/iss1/6

       The article by VanDoorn and Eklund strives to investigate the position of face to face communication in the modern teaching environment that has been flooded by computer-mediated communication. The authors look at the limitations and benefits of social media as an alternative teaching methodology to face to face communication. Students have been used as the participants whereby they were provided with the questionnaire to list their teaching experiences based on several teaching communication platforms they had used throughout the semester. The article is credible bearing in mind that it is based in a learning institution where different communication approaches are employed. This sources will be helpful for the readers seeking explanation on the most appropriate teaching methodology to be used in the school setting.

Yun, K. (2013). On the Same Wavelength: Face-to-Face Communication Increases Interpersonal Neural                                Synchronization. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(12), 5081-5082.

The study by Yun (2013) contained in the article explains the importance of verbal communication in increasing neural mechanisms among the individuals. The main focus of the article is to assess how face to face communication affect neural processes and human behavior. This article is useful for the readers who want to understand the influence of face to face communication on human behavior. Secondly, it is a credible source because it is peer-reviewed and was written in 2013.