Well Managed Class Characteristics

Well Managed Class Characteristics

Produce a list of the characteristics of a well manages class with an explanation of each characteristic
A comprehensive list of 7 characteristics of a well-managed class is generated with a detailed explanation of each characteristic.

Produce a list of the characteristics of a well manages class with an explanation of each characteristic

Proper class management is an essential component of a successful teaching and learning process. The most obvious characteristic of a well-managed class is disciplined learners (Chandra, 2015). There are, however, many other characteristics of a well-managed class whose observance will make teaching and earning more meaningful and fulfilling. These characteristics include;

A positive class environment: A well-managed class presents a positive environment within which all the learners feel comfortable (Chandra, 2015). The teacher strives to ensure that all learners feel free in the class and can ask questions without the fear of being judged or intimidated.

Proper time management: Time management in a class environment determines the levels of efficiency. In a well-managed class, both the teacher and students have good time-management skills, and therefore the time wasted is usually minimized (Mansor, Rasul, & Izham, 2012). The class implements strategies which help in utilizing time productively. For instance, to reduce the time wasted on obtaining learning resources for a lesson, the learners are encouraged to acquire the required resources prior to the lesson. Similarly, students are encouraged to use the bathrooms during the lesson breaks to avoid distractions during a lesson.

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Student engagement: Student engagement in well-managed classes is usually high. The students participate actively in the teaching and learning process, which helps in boosting the thinking capacities and skills of the learners (Sieberer-Nagler, 2016). To enhance student engagement in the class, the teacher employs teaching methods which encourage student participation, such as asking questions and triggering discussions with the students or among them. These teaching methods provoke the students not only to think but also to voice out their responses.

Inclusivity of all learners: A well-managed class meets the needs of all learners. The teacher is considerate of all groups of learners- the high achievers, moderate achievers and the low achievers (Chandra, 2015). He or she strives to ensure that all these groups of learners are always engaged in meaningful learning. In a class with an extreme achievement gap, a teacher might encounter difficulties in ensuring that the learners proceed at the same pace without disadvantaging any of them. To achieve inclusivity, teachers in well-managed classes usually have the needs of learners who might be disadvantaged in mind and device strategies to meet them.

Clear expectations: A well-managed class must have clear expectations of both the teacher and the students. The learners must know both their role and that of the teacher in the teaching-learning process. Similarly, the teacher must know what to expect from the learners and also what is expected of him or her (Franklin & Harrington, 2019). These expectations are spelt out explicitly to ensure that none of the role players falls back of their expectations unnecessarily. Well-managed classes have both long-term and short-term expectations as some borrow from the teaching and learning objectives.

Established rules and consequences: Although many schools usually have set rules, it is essential to establish rules for every class for proper management since individual classes tend to be different from one another (Alter & Haydon, 2017). As a result, well-managed classes have a set of rules whose violation attracts stated consequences. Setting clear rules and consequences in well-managed classes aids in maintaining firm discipline among the students.

Focus on building relationships: Building meaningful relationships both with the teacher and among the learners is at the core of well-managed classes. Both the teacher and learners in well-managed classes understand the vitality of building healthy relationships for high academic success (Chandra, 2015). Relationships in a well-managed class build a friendly environment which facilitates the teaching and learning process.


Alter, P., & Haydon, T. (2017). Characteristics of Effective Classroom Rules: A Review of the Literature Teacher. Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, 40(1), 1-14.

Chandra, R. (2015). Classroom Management for Effective Teaching. International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR), 4(4), 13-15.

Franklin, H., & Harrington, I. (2019). A Review into Effective Classroom Management and Strategies for Student Engagement: Teacher and Student Roles in Today’s Classrooms. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 7(2), 1-12.

Mansor, A. N., Rasul, M., & Izham, M. (2012). Effective Classroom Management. International Education Studies, 5(5), 35-42.

Sieberer-Nagler, K. (2016). Effective Classroom-Management & Positive Teaching. English Language Teaching, 9(1), 163-172.