Violent Video Games and Behavioral Change

The video games are popular entertainment activities all over the world. However, many believe that excessive consumption of violent media may result in unacceptable behaviors in the society. On the other hand, there are those who perceive video games as just entertainments with no negative effects on the players or society. Many studies have been carried, and they have explored two sides of the debate whether violent video games are harmful to the users’ behavior. The studies have found that those who dispute and those who support video games base their reasons on either their attitudes or obvious consequences. For example, parents may be against the violent video games by arguing that they are likely to affect their children negatively. On the other hand, children, the gamers, and video games sellers may argue that playing video games do not affect players in any way, and it is just an entertainment activity like any other.

The puzzle sets in when the players who engage in violent games start portraying behavioral problems. At this juncture, some parents and society at large will strongly condemn violent video games by arguing that they will not only create problems for their children but also create a violent generation. However, studies argue that players who practice what they see in the games is because of other factors that cannot be associated with the game (DeCamp 297). Therefore, there is no a likelihood of violent video games bringing problems either to the players or the society. Similarly, this paper takes the side of the video game sellers, players, and studies disputing the negative consequences of violent video games to argue that violent games do not bring behavioral problems. Severally, different segments of the society, especially parents, teachers, and other discipline-oriented parties, have maintained that violent games will change players, and they may end up practicing what they have seen in the videos.
ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW Besides, on significant occasions, the violent game teenagers have been linked with aggressive behavior that can easily lead to violent outbreaks. For example, the Columbine High School case that took place in 1999 has been largely linked to the violent video games (Toppo). The two teenagers who committed this heart aching act were found to be deep lovers of the violent video games. In this context, many people, especially those who oppose violent video games, argued that violent games contribute to the behavioral problems. The arguments of those who oppose video games may not be termed as baseless. This is because studies have shown that violent video games may influence the development of aggressive behavior among the players. However, disputing studies have argued that aggressive behavior do not develop because of the nature of the game but based on the competitiveness of the game. The studies agreeing that violence video games lead to violence have given a blind eye to the non-violent games that influence gamers to develop aggressive behavior (Ferguson 387). or ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW