
Universal Healthcare- A Better Option for the US

Universal Healthcare- A Better Option for the US

There has been an increasing debate on the adoption of universal healthcare coverage in the US. The most prominent of these calls were received from the Institute of Medicine, report advocating for universal healthcare coverage in the US by 2010. Universal health care can be defined as health care provided to all individuals irrespective of race, gender, age, religion, wealth, health status or income. The state can provide universal healthcare in many ways which may encompass mandating all citizens to have healthcare coverage, providing refundable tax credits or vouchers to obtain healthcare in the private sector, subsidizing coverage through the private sector and paying healthcare practitioners through a single player (World Health Organization, 2013). The adoption of universal healthcare by some nations has resulted in several economic, political and social benefits.

Over the last few years, the US has experienced accelerating healthcare costs. The cost of Insurance has been increasing on average by huge percentages over the past ten years, which is a rate of 2-3 times compared to the inflation rate in the US. According to recent research by World Health Organization (2013), more than forty-five million Americans do not have health insurance while other millions of US citizens are under-insured and are therefore unable to afford quality healthcare due to high costs. This essay does not oppose that Universal health care coverage has some limitations to the States that adopt it, but it instead proposes that for the US citizens to receive quality health regardless of their income statuses, wealth and personal interests, universal healthcare is a better option. END OF PREVIEW ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW


Boudreau, R. (2017). The Plausibility of Universal Health Care in the United States. Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics, 8(2), 1-21. Retrieved March 18, 2018

Madan, A. (2016). Health care delivery in America: Why Canada does it better. Wilson Center. Retrieved March 18, 2018, from https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/ci_160407_newtalent_madan_v1_0.pdf

Nicholson, D., Yates, R., Warburton, W., & Fontana, G. (2015). Delivering Universal Health Coverage. A guide for Policymakers. WISH. Retrieved March 18, 2018, from https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/institute-of-global-health-innovation/public/Universal-health-coverage.pdf

The Balance. (2018, February 28). Universal Health Care in Different Countries, Pros and Cons of Each: Why America Is the Only Rich Country Without Universal Health Care. Retrieved March 18, 2018, from The Balance Web Site: https://www.thebalance.com/universal-health-care-4156211

World Health Organization. (2013). Arguing for Univeral Health Coverage. World Health Organization. Retrieved March 18, 2018, from http://www.who.int/health_financing/UHC_ENvs_BD.PDF

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