Trends in the Global Business Environment

Trends in the Global Business Environment

Individual Assignment

This is strictly required to be your own original work. Plagiarism will be penalised. Students are required to apply the theories and knowledge derived from the unit materials, demonstrate critical analysis and provide a considered and comprehensive evaluation. Students must use correct in-text citation conventions.

Student is required to answer 5 questions come from the recorded tutorial questions every week from week 8 to week 12

The following Unit Learning Outcomes is applicable to this assessment:

  • Student will be able to analyse and evaluate social, economic, political and technological trends.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with the academic literature on the macro environment level.

Demonstrate the capacity to write persuasive reports containing sound recommendations, in preparation for a career in business or government.

Assignment Specifications 


This individual assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of trends in the global business environment.  Details 

 Answer All FIVE (5) of the following questions. The questions come from the recorded tutorial questions from week 8 to week 12.

Question 1 Week 8: Tutorial 7 (5 marks)

Organisational structures can help a company fail or succeed. Why do you think that is the               case? Answer this question in 300 words

Question 2 Week 9 Tutorial 8 (5 marks)

What are some of the potential problems global businesses face when they outsource or subcontract their manufacturing work to companies in other countries? (e.g. an Australian company outsourcing the manufacturing of its product to a separate company in China or Vietnam)? Answer this question in 300 words

Question 3 Week 10: Tutorial 9 (5 marks)

What are some of the disadvantages that can result when companies use channels of distribution to market their products overseas? Answer this question in 300 words

Question 4 Week 11: Tutorial 10 (5 marks)

Based on your studies in this course, compare and contrast between personal and position sources of power. In your opinion, which sources of power are most effective as important resources for leaders? Answer this question in 300 words

Question 5 Week 12: Tutorial 11 (5 marks)

What are the characteristics of creative leaders in contemporary organisations? Answer this question in 300 words