Theory and Principles of Conflict Resolution

Theory and Principles of Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is a mechanism whereby two or more parties to arrive at a peaceable solution to a discrepancy among them. The discrepancy may be financial, personal, emotional or political. The main factors affecting conflict resolution are; gender, communication and culture. They all interconnect during the exercise of resolving conflict. Given these points, it is clear that without conflict resolution skills, it is hard for people from different cultures to coexist in the same environment whether, political, personal, financial or emotional but it can be made easier through understanding each other’s culture, effective communication and gender equality.Culture affects the way people communicate at all instances and by all means generally. When a child is born he is taught the ways of communication of his culture by the immediate family and thus growing up to behave that way even when with people from different cultures. Also, gender positions in different cultures affect the way people communicate. For example during the peace convention between US and Iraq in Geneva, the representative for US was the appointed ambassador for US to Iraq was a woman and when she gave the message of the US state secretary the Iraq did not take her serious since to the Iraqis she was a fragile representative. Hence, if one is raised in the ways of a certain culture, there is no means of escaping the way of communication of that culture because it constitutes the person’s character.
In addition, culture goes ahead to have an effect in conflict resolution thus proving not to be different in this sector. For example when a person is from Hong Kong, and then he talks loudly during conflict resolution, he makes the conflict even more compounded. However, culture does not always impose a bad effect in conflict  resolution because, during the practice, people usually understand each other’s culture and thus are able to formulate a process that would fit the parties involved in case of the emergence of another dispute (Gilman 2017).
In conclusion, communication is immensely affected by culture because it is inbuilt and translates into a person’s character since childhood. Conflict is most of the most of the times as a result of culture differences and the resolution of the same is affected by culture itself because of imposed constraints or certain things that people from certain cultures are not supposed to do.