Teaching Language and Literacy

Teaching Language and Literacy in the Primary Years

Submit ONE word document which includes both Part A and Part B   FONT: 11pt Arial or Times New Roman, LINE SPACING: minimum 1.5. APA 6th edition format for both in-text and end text referencing. Rubric:  Rubric for Assessment 2 SP4 2019-5.docx 

 You are a teacher in a primary school (Years 1-6). You have a class of students in a year level of your choice. You are going to use the resources from this unit construct three lesson plans to support the development of English learning. You are faced with the following scenario:


The new literacy coordinator has decided to implement a new approach to the teaching of English. This has come about because it has been noticed that there is an over-reliance on levelled basal readers, worksheets, too much explicit instruction about the conventions of language and not enough creativity. The literacy coordinator is encouraging the teachers to devise their planning around a children’s picture book of their choice and the rich Australian Curriculum for English. To help teachers choose a picture book the literacy coordinator encourages the reading of Serafini, F.  & Moses, L. (2014). The Roles of Children’s Literature in the Primary Grades (available in the reading list).

To accommodate this new directive, you will choose a children’s picture book which will support the teaching of English for your chosen year level.

Part A: Lessons plans to support three strands of English 20%

Step 1 – Download and read the ACARA English Curriculum for your chosen year level OR the English curriculum for your state or territory. In WA we use SCSA https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/teaching/curriculum-browser/english-v8 .

Step 2 – Visit libraries and bookshops to read current children’s literature. The literacy coordinator encourages the reading of Serafini, F.  & Moses, L. (2014). The Roles of Children’s Literature in the Primary Grades (available in the reading list)  to further support your selection.


Here is another useful website   https://cbca.org.au/shortlist-2019

Step 3 – Choose a quality picture book (first published in 2010 or later), which has the potential to appeal to children who in the appropriate age group. Provide an overview of your picture book in 100 words.

Step 4 – Revisit the curriculum and choose ONE content description from each of the three English strands. This will mean you will have one from each of the Language, Literature and Literacy strands which is a total of three. Please use this table

Table for Part A.docx

Step 5 –Brain storm all the teaching and learning possibilities, based on the picture book and the curriculum content descriptors. This means all the ideas you can think of based on effective literacy instruction (theories of literacy development), the multiple modes of literacy (reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and creating). Use all the topics of this unit to support this brainstorm. (This brainstorm will be submitted so make sure it is extensive). You may choose to take a photo to submit or use a concept map format. You can download a concept map maker tool: https://cmap.ihmc.us/  is recommended.

Step 6 – Design 3 lessons that relate to the picture book and your chosen content descriptions.  Include relevant assessments. Use the lesson plan template given. (No word limit)

lesson plan template.docx Part B Theoretical underpinnings of your chosen lessons. 20%

In 1000 words use the unit readings to justify your choices for the teaching and learning in the three lessons of part A.

Refer to theories of literacy development, literacy approaches, the use of children’s literature, ICTs and how you would address children who might find the learning difficult. You must reference your text book as well as other scholarly sources.