Teaching and Training Theories Report
Task A. Research report (1000 words).Write a report in which you analyse:
- Four theories, theories principles, models of learning and models of learning preferences
Drawing on this research and on your own experience, explain:
- Apply the theories, principles and models of learning to teaching, learning and Assessment.
- Identify and taking account of learners’ individual learning preferences enables inclusive teaching, learning and assessment.
Task B (1000 words)
Produce a research report which details your analysis on theorist, (Albert Bandura and Carl Rogers) their principles, and models of communication.
Task C (400 words) Research activity
Research, then analyse two theories, principles, and models of Assessment and explain ways in which they can be applied when assessing learning with examples.
Note: Consider how you wish to this evidence this activity; it may be appropriate to use a report, presentation, essay, table or multi-model.
Task D Research report (800 words)
Carry out research into the theories and models of curriculum development.
- Analyse theories and models of curriculum Development
- Explain ways in which theories and models of curriculum development can be applied in developing curricula in own area of specialism.
Task E Research and reflective account (850 words)
Write a report in which you:
- Analyse theories and models of reflection and evaluation
Drawing on this research and your own experience, write a reflective account that explain ways in which;
- theories and models of reflection can be applied to reviewing own practice
- theories and models of evaluation can be applied to reviewing own practice
List of theorist
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (classic conditioning)
John Broadus Watson
Jean-Paul Piaget
Burrhus Frederic Skinner (Operant condition)
Abraham Maslow
Carl Rogers
Jerome Bruner
Sigmund Freud (Iceberg)
Maria Montessori
Robert Gagne
Eric Erikson (Psychosocial theory)
David Ausubel (Subsumption theory)
Albert Bandura
Lev Vygotsky
Edward Lee Thorndike
Benjamin Bloom-Bloom`s Taxonomy
Howard Gardner
Robert Sternberg (Triarchic theory of intelligence)
John Dewey
Freidrich Froebel
Lawrence Kohlberg
Malcolm Knowles
John Flavell -Metacognition Theory
Daniel Goleman-Emotional intelligence
David Kolb
Richard Millwood
Principle of learning;
Behaviourism, Cognitivism, Humanism, Constructivism
Models of learning;
Pedagogy OR Andragogy
Learning preferences
Neil Fleming (VARK model 2001, Howard Gardner (Multiple intelligences 1983, 1993). David Kolb (Experimental learning cycle).
Model of communication; Shannon and Weaver (1948) OR Transactional analysis (1964)