Students Thinking Skills Analysis

Students Thinking Skills Analysis

Identify individual students you work with or have worked with and explain their thinking skills ,with justification for your judgments
Explanation Of Thinking Skills Of Identified Individual Students (Task 4b)
Explanation is clear and based on actual observation
Judgement (Task 4b)
All judgments are based on reasoning and justified with multiple evidences

One way to approach this task as follows. Think of one of the lessons that you planned to teach with the outcomes mapped at a certain level of Bloom’s taxonomy. You delivered the lesson and students did the assigned tasks. The analysis of their performance made you conclude that some of them achieved the outcomes and a few could not. Now you will be creating new challenging learning outcomes for students who achieved the previous objectives and the one who could not achieve the outcomes. In this task, add the thinking skill level of the student (give reasons for justifying it), add the original learning outcomes and the revised learning outcomes for specific students. You can add data for LA, MA and HA.

Explanation of Thinking Skills of Identified Individual Students

Thinking skills refers to mental activities that are used in processing information, making connections, making decisions and creating new ideas. They form the basis for personal growth as well as contribute to economic and social growth (Kerslake & Wegerif, 2018).  Every person has thinking skills, however not everyone utilizes them well and this is because effective thinking skills develop over a certain period.  Everyone faces problems or challenges and they could be complicated or big, while the others could be solved easily.

Good thinkers are capable of making connection between several factors and establish new solutions to problems. The workplace presents challenges to workers and these challenges, whether they are complicated or small, they require to be solved fairly and constructively (Nappi, 2017). The individual students I have worked with had various thinking skills that were important in processing information, making connections, making decisions and creating new ideas. They had the necessary thinking skills that were critical for the growth of the organization. For instance, they had critical thinking and problem solving skills that were important since they were able to utilize knowledge, facts and information acquired to successfully solve emerging problems in the organization.  They were capable of thinking on their own, asses the problems and uncover solutions. Thinking skills of the students helped the organization to operate efficiently by solving problems, establishing solutions, and coming up with new ideas.

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Thinking Skills of the Students

Understanding skills

Under this skill, students were able to communicate effectively to convey the information or a problem among the colleagues in the organization.  In this case, the students were able to work together and figured out new solutions to difficult problems through interpreting, classifying, comparing, exemplifying, explaining and inferring.

Applying Skill

Under this skill, the students are required to solve problems through applying their techniques and knowledge (Nonis & Hudson, 2019). The students I worked with were able to use mathematics and scientific formulas they learned in schools in calculating the organization’s budget and growth index.

Analyzing Skill

Under this skill, learners divided information into constituent pieces, and determined how these pieces of information related. The students had the ability of carefully examining information or a problem in the organization and understood what it meant. For instance, the students were able to use the analyzing skills to identify areas of weakness in the organization that required improvements.

Evaluating skill

Under this skill, the learners were able to make educated opinion on information gathered and validate ideas in the organization. The educated opinion or judgments was made using rubrics, evidences, and set standards that never involved any assumptions.

Creating skill

Under this skill, the learners are required to combine information gathered to create new solutions (Cottrell, 2017).  The students were able to combine or put information together so as to come up with coherent information in a new way. Creativity skill among the students was shown through flexibility, curiosity, predicting, drawing connections, conceptualization and inferring.

The students exhibited good thinking abilities of making connection between several factors and established new solutions to problems.  They were able to utilize knowledge, facts and information acquired to successfully solve emerging problems in the organization.  Thinking skills therefore, plays a crucial role of helping businesses to operate efficiently by solving problems, establishing solutions, and coming up with new ideas.


Cottrell, S. (2017). Critical thinking skills: Effective analysis, argument and reflection. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Kerslake, L., & Wegerif, R. (Eds.). (2018). Theory of teaching thinking: international perspectives. Routledge.

Nappi, J. S. (2017). The importance of questioning in developing critical thinking skills. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 84(1), 30.

Nonis, S. A., & Hudson, G. I. (2019). Developing and assessing critical thinking skills in marketing students: The power of making explicit problem-solving processes. Journal of Education for Business, 94(3), 195-203.