Sociology Based Questions: Answered

Sociology Based Questions: Answered

Answer the following exercises please:
Exercise 1:
Write about or bring an artefact of one way in which you were influenced to perform your gender and/or sexual identity growing up. Write a reflection (min. 200 words) of how this experience shaped your identity.
Exercise 2:
Write an autoethnographic vignette reflecting on an ‘arresting moment’ (Grieg et al., 2013) of when the racial identity of yourself or someone else became apparent to you. Consider how race was implicated in your social environment growing up. This could be how race was discussed (or not discussed) in your family, in your neighbourhood, in your community, in society, etc. (min. 200 words).
Exercise 3:
What does your ‘nationality’ mean to you? Reflect on to what extent your identity is shaped by your nation/region of birth and how you relate to the common stereotypes about your nation/region. If your life has been marked by migration, reflect on how the intersection of multiple nations/regions influenced your identity (min. 200 words).
Exercise 4:
Write an autoethnographic vignette reflecting on when you have encountered an ‘ethical dilemma’ (Linehan and O’Brien, 2017) at work or elsewhere if you do not have work experience (min. 300 words). What were the challenges you faced, if any, in pursuing ethical means?
Exercise 5:
Looking back at this subject’s aims to take a sociological view of HRM, organisations and society, reflect on the ways in which you (1) see the general in the particular and (2) see the strange in the familiar (min. 300 words). It may be useful to focus on a particular area of your life or an issue.