DNP Capstone Projects

DNP Capstone Project Writing

DNP: A Theory and Practice Course for Capstone Project Writing

DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) is based on the clinical doctorate model of education. The model is designed to prepare nurses to attain the highest degree of clinical practice and educational training in the nursing profession.  DNP was specifically created to address rising medication errors and the inability to provide high-quality and safe in the 1990s. Its creation coincided with the Institute of Medicine Report that called for the transformation of care to achieve evidence-based and interprofessional healthcare delivery. The goal was to prepare APRNS, including nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists and nurse midwives, to become clinical practice leaders. DNP is appropriate for nurses seeking to acquire a terminal degree in nursing practice. It is an alternative to a research-focused degree program since DNP graduates are doctorate-educated practitioners and leaders in clinical practice. They can serve in specialty positions, given their highest level of practice expertise and scientific knowledge. Leading Online DNP Programs in 2023 according include:

  • DNP – Family Nurse Practitioner
  • DNP – Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
  • DNP – Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner
  • DNP – Nurse-Midwifery/Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner (MWH)
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing to Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • Master of Science in Nursing to Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • DNP: Doctor of Nursing Practice – General
  • DNP: Doctor of Nursing Practice – Family Nurse Practitioner
  • DNP: Doctor of Nursing Practice – Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (Post-BSN)
  • DNP: Doctor of Nursing Practice – Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (Post-MSN)

While it might be the desire of every nurse to pursue a DNP program, they might find themselves unable to achieve this goal because of their daily busy schedules. Nurses work in a high-demanding environment, which is characterized by complex patient care, heavy workload, administrative tasks, emergencies, inadequate staff and multidisciplinary care. In addition, nurses will require breaks and rest after working for long hours. Due to these reasons, it might be difficult for the current working nurses to pursue a DNP program. Course Researchers can relieve you of all the pressure by becoming your study partner. 

Course Researchers will guide you on the DNP Completion Steps and the Areas of Research.

DNP Capstone Project Writing Completion Steps (Anderson et al. 2015) by (American Nurse, 2021)

  1. Identify and obtain approval for the area of interest.
  2. Write a proposal.
  3. Create a project timeline.
  4. Acquire institutional review board approval (if needed).
  5. Implement project.
  6. Write final report.
  7. Present an oral presentation.
  8. Disseminate the project.

Nursing Practice (DNP) Projects Areas of Research

  1. Quality improvement projects
  2. Evidence-based practice projects
  3. Guideline development and improvement project

Why Course Researchers Should Manage Your DNP Program Online Class

It is advisable for Course Researchers to guide students through their online DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) program classes for several reasons. Course Researchers are typically experts in all nursing subjects, with advanced knowledge and experience in nursing practice and research. Course Researchers Tutors provide valuable guidance and support to students as they navigate the course material and complete assignments, helping them to better understand the concepts and apply them in their practice.

Course Researchers offer personalized support to students, answering questions and providing feedback on their work. This can be particularly helpful in an online program, where students may not have the same level of access to instructors and peers as they would in a traditional classroom setting. In addition, Course Researchers help students to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in their DNP program and beyond, preparing them for leadership roles in the nursing profession.

Course Researchers is an an invaluable resource for students in an online DNP program, providing guidance, support, and expert knowledge that can help them to achieve their academic and professional goals. Are you looking for DNP Online Program Tutoring Services?

Contact Course Researchers for NDP Program Online Class Help

Course Researchers tutors, experts and writers have earned their own DNP and other advanced degrees in nursing, and have a track record of conducting research, publishing findings, and presenting at conferences and other professional events. In addition to their academic qualifications, Course Researchers  have practical experience working  with stakeholders from variety of healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. This can provide them with valuable insights and perspectives that they can share with students as they guide them through their DNP program. As educators, Course Researchers  have strong communication skills and be able to clearly convey complex concepts and ideas to students.  Course Researchers are perfect deal for your online DNP program for their solid combination of academic expertise and practical experience, as well as strong teaching and communication skills for effectively guiding and supporting students in their studies. 


Anderson BA, Knestrick JM, Barroso R. (2014). DNP Capstone Projects: Exemplars of Excellence in Practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Davis et al. (2021). All about the DNP project. American Nurse.