Dissertation Writing

Dissertation Writing Format and Guidelines 

What is Dissertation?

A dissertation is a piece of work that demonstrates your scholarship in the field of study. Scholars have identified various qualities that should be exhibited including (Cassell, 2000; Jankowicz, 1991; Raimond (1993) cited in Riley et. al., 2000):

  • Careful and accurate use of evidence
  • Thoroughness in the coverage of subject matter
  • Shows understanding and critical and analytical thinking
  • Clearly defined objectives
  • Evidence of originality
  • A sound methodology and good quality evidence/data
  • Balance in reporting data and evidence
  • Care in the identification and attribution of sources

These are key issues that should remain uppermost in your mind as you work on your dissertation. This is a piece of scholarly, academic work.  The dissertation process is valuable for a number of reasons:

1. The dissertation is an opportunity to integrate the knowledge that you have acquired through studying various modules throughout the programme and for the student to explore in detail an area of interest.

2. The dissertation process will help develop key personal skills that will be of value to employers such as information gathering, project management, time management, data analysis and report writing

3. The dissertation may be of direct value in securing future employment. High quality dissertation research in a commercially relevant or contemporary field can provide a head start in interviews for positions in certain sectors. So when developing your ideas for a possible dissertation topic, it is always worth considering how it might improve your chances of securing a position with a particular organisation

4. In addition, the dissertation process may prompt you to consider pursuing a higher degree by research. There will be opportunities at Birmingham and at other universities to pursue MPhil or PhD degrees, and you will find your training and research experiences on the MSc very useful preparation.

Choice of Dissertation Topic

When considering a topic for your dissertation you MUST take into account your course program .

When choosing a topic you should consider how it would help develop your knowledge, understanding and skills. You should consider how it might enhance your employment prospects or your preparation for a higher degree such as a PhD. You should also, of course, choose a topic that you will enjoy – because, after all, you are going to be working on it for a long time.

Ideas for research topics can come from a variety of sources. Some students in the past have pursued topics linked to a member of staff’s specialist research interest. Others have pursued a topic that has been prompted by a current management issue they have spotted in the press. Others have chosen to explore a topic in a specialist area that links directly to a company for whom they wish to work.

The final dissertation topic decision you should be based on some important factors;

1. Is the information you need to complete your dissertation available?

2. Can you get hold of the information and on time?

3. Some research methods can be costly (postage, travel expenses for interviews etc.). Can you afford to carry them out?

4. Is the research topic you have chosen realistic and manageable within the time frame of the MSc programme?

Structure of Dissertation(This is a common structure)

Plagiarism form

Title page




Introduction – word count starts

Literature review

Research methods


Conclusions and recommendations


Appendices – if required – will not count as a word count

Dissertation Writing Guidelines 

Prior to digging in depth to understand dissertation writing steps, it is important to understand what is dissertation. From the general perspective, dissertation is a detailed research paper conducted to explore a particular problem for informed decision-making purpose. From the academic perspective, dissertation is an academic paper used by universities and colleges to assess the learner’s mastery of the learning outcomes and level of their expertise in the particular area of practice. Dissertation writing follows a specific format. The Book, A Practical Guide to Dissertation and Thesis Writing by Mark Stephan Felix and Ian Smith (2019) discussed twelve crucial steps involved in dissertation writing.

Dissertation Writing Steps by Course Researchers

Step 1: Determining the problem, defining it and identifying the topic.

This step involves using seven active steps to name the issue you wish to study for your dissertation or thesis as a research problem. As a researcher, you should ask critical questions, assess your research problem significance and avoid common mistakes in expressing research problem.

Step 2: Choosing research topic.

The student should choose a unique and researchable research topic

Step 3: Literature review background.

The student should read extensively to understand literature in your chosen research area.

Step 4:  Writing introduction

This step includes identifying major components of your introduction and stating clearly your interest in the research topic. It is this step where you should state research questions, research objectives and hypothesis. Also, state the contribution of your dissertation or thesis to the universal body of knowledge.

Step 5: Literature review writing

Employ investigative and argumentative perspectives to write your literature review. The arguments should be shaped to suit your dissertation or thesis. Also, the information should be categorized in an organized or systematic manner.

Step 6: Identifying research methodology

Determine the research methods to apply. This is based on the type of data or its availability or suitability for the research.

Step 7: Defending research proposal

This involves defending your research.

Step 8: Conducting fieldwork

The fieldwork involves collecting and processing data using appropriate tools.

Step 9: Presenting results or findings

This step presents results or findings obtained from the fieldwork step.

Step 10: Presenting discussion

This step reveals the research voice and should be supported by the existing literature.

Step 11: Conclusion

This is summary of the results or finds and discussion. Can also include recommendations.

Step 12: Abstract writing

Summary of the entire research work. While it appears at after the cover page, it is usually written at last since it is brief description of the whole research work.

Why you should seek Dissertation Writing Assistance from Course Researchers?

There are a number of reasons why it might be beneficial for a dissertation to be written by Course Researchers.

1. Course Researchers have a deep understanding of the subject matter and research methods relevant to the dissertation. They have already conducted research in many fields and have experience designing and executing research studies. This can help ensure that the dissertation is of high quality and is based on sound research practices.

2.. Course Researchers are able to provide valuable guidance and support during the process of writing the dissertation. They may be able to provide feedback on the research design, data collection and analysis, and overall structure of the dissertation. This can be especially helpful for students who are new to research or who are working on a complex or technical topic.

3. Course Researchers are able to provide valuable insights and perspective on the broader context of the research. They have experience working with relevant stakeholders or policymakers, and can help ensure that the research is relevant and applicable to real-world problems.

Having Course Researchers involved in the writing of a dissertation can be beneficial in terms of the quality, guidance, and relevance of the research. They have a pool of qualified experts, tutors and writers that will deliver top notch-quality dissertation and thesis papers for Masters and Ph.D. learners.

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