Psychological Tests-Organizational Assessment

Thank you for your very thoughtful post– you did provide thoughtful information related to both processes.

RE: your choices of the overt integrity test and Face to face employment interview, do note that the instructions stated, ” Based on the information in your text and assigned readings, select and evaluate two psychological tests used in industrial-organizational psychological assessment.” While an interview is a part of an assessment process, it is not a “psychological test.” ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

Reminder: as a class in psychological testing and assessment, we are primarily focused with tests psychologists utilize and/or develop. No specialized expertise is required to give an employment interview. However, the benefit of bringing the topic of an interview to the discussion is to provide a reminder of how interviews typically do not meet criteria for being reliable and valid predictors of employment performance.

How many drops of urine does it take to spoil the soup?

Since you mentioned an integrity test, let’s look at the Integrity Tests from the Hogan Personnel Selection Series. As you are aware, integrity tests are designed to assess characteristics such as trustworthiness, honesty, conscientiousness, reliability and dependability. They were designed to meet the need to be able to predict employee theft and other counterproductive work behaviors. From an employer’s perspective, it is easy to see the value of a reliable and valid integrity test.

In their book chapter “The Mask of Integrity (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.,” Drs. Joyce and Robert Hogan, describe four characteristics typical of the “ideal” betrayer: Charisma, Self-absorption, Self-Deception, and Hollow Core Syndrome (Hogan News, 2013).

The repercussions of having employees lacking in integrity can be so serious that integrity testing is a booming business. The hope is that it will decrease workplace of theft and fraud, drug and alcohol problems, bullying and violence, etc. When used in a careful, responsible manner, in conjunction with other measures which also provide valid data, these tests can help identify individuals who when given the opportunity to be dishonest, who will be more likely to do so (Furnham, 2015).

Below are 11 questions purported to help test integrity (Simson, 2013; Tay, 2013). These are not test items from a standardized test, but questions which might be asked during an interview in conjunction with the use of an integrity test like the Hogan test.

  1. As a famous athlete, you are offered a $500,000 endorsement to promote a product that you dislike and would NEVER use. Do you endorse it?
  2. You are working on a project along with several other companies and you notice that one of the companies is doing shoddy, dangerous work. If you report the company, the entire project may be shut down and you will lose 20% of your revenues for the year. Do you report the problem?
  3. The taxi driver gives you a blank receipt as he drops you off. You are on an expense account. Do you write in the exact correct amount?
  4. You’re golfing with an important client who thinks that golf skills are as important as business skills. Your ball has a bad lie, but you can move it to a better position without being seen. Do you?
  5. You’re backing into a tight parking space in the work car park and you accidentally dent someone’s car. Nobody has seen you. Do you leave a note taking responsibility?
  6. A colleague wants to copy and illegally download some music (e.g., mp3’s from YouTube or from a friend’s phone). You know it’s illegal. Do you do it?
  7. You know you are attractive and so does your prospective customer. Do you lightly flirt to get a major new account for your business?
  8. A good friend has been unemployed for several months. They ask you to write a reference for a job that you don’t think they’re well qualified for. Do you agree?
  9. You see some great content for a presentation, you know it is copyright protected – do you use it in your work presentation to make you look good?
  10. Your budgets are tight, you procure some business services, the vendor forgets to invoice you… six months go by. Do you remind them to send the invoice?
  11. You are offered tickets to a rock concert with a potential supplier that is currently tendering for a big contract. It is your favorite band and you really want to see them – and tickets have been sold out for months. You know it will not influence your contribution to the tender process. Do you take the tickets?

Take the role of a Human Resources manager or a department manager hiring employees. On the Hogan assessment, Erick scored very high suggesting impeccable integrity. During your background check and discussing Erick with his references, you learn that Erick was cited more than once for academic dishonesty (plagiarism) at his university. Other data from his application and references indicated Erick is very intelligent, charming, likeable and is absolutely the most qualified candidate you have for the job in terms of his education-, work experience, and skill level.  ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

During the interview you ask Erick several of the questions from the list above; however, rather than ask, “Do you do it?,” you ask Erick to explain why someone might do it to see how easily he can justify choices that lack integrity. You find he easily empathizes with the person who makes dishonest choices in about half of the cases–but not in every case; hence the question: “How many drops of urine does it take to spoil the soup?” What are your recommendations regarding hiring Erick and why?