Psychoactive Substance and Mental Health

Psychoactive Substance and Mental Health

Assessment 1 In class assessment
Due date Week 4 (Workshop B – Part A) 

& Week 5  – Part B

Weighting 30%



Your assignment will be submitted into a Turnitin submission box within the SNPG939 Moodle site. You will have the opportunity to review and re-submit your assignment up to the due date and time.

To learn more about using Turnitin please access the link:

Type of Collaboration Individual assessment
Length Part A: Attendance at your allocated workshop in Week 4.

Part B: 700 word written reflection















There are two parts to this assessment.

 Part A: Observe and participate in motivational interviewing scenario

 In Week 4 of class (Workshop B), all students will observe demonstrators conduct a ‘real- time’ substance-use interview, where the interviewer will practice motivational interviewing techniques.

 You will then have the opportunity to rotate through the roles of nurse, client and observer to practice and enhance YOUR interview technique, being mindful of the following:

1.  The interviewer’s initial contact with the person experiencing a substance-use disorder (the ‘interviewee’)

2.  The level of rapport and respect the interviewer shows to the interviewee

3.  The interviewer’s assessment of the interviewee’s readiness to change

4.  The interviewer’s identification of impact of substance use on the interviewee’s health and lifestyle

5.  The interviewer’s level of overall engagement with the interviewee

 Part B: Written reflect on class activity

You will need to write a 700 word reflection on your experience in the workshop. You should include in your reflection:

•       How did the overall experience make you feel about the interview process with a person experiencing a substance use disorder and their readiness to change?

•       Which elements of the interview process did you find challenging and/or confronting?

•       How will taking part in these interview techniques impact on your development

of therapeutic relationships in the future?

 The Driscoll (2007) model of reflection (What? So What? Now What?) will be used to guide your reflection.



Style and format

Formal essay style (introduction, body, conclusion). You may choose to use the dot points above as headings to help structure the essay.

Reference style/format as per Author – Date (APA6)

A summary of the APA6 system can be accessed in the online guide on the Library website at:

Subject Learning Outcomes 5. Evaluate the skills required for the development of effective, therapeutic communication and relationships, including motivational interviewing techniques.
Marking Criteria See Rubric page 6



Assessment 2 Essay
Due date  

Week 7 –

Weighting 40%




Part A: Your assignment will be submitted into a Turnitin submission box within the SNPG939 Moodle site. You will have the opportunity to review and re-submit your assignment up to the due date and time.

To learn more about using Turnitin please access the link:

Type of Collaboration Individual assessment
Length 1500 words




Harm Minimisation Essay

 Harm minimisation works to reduce the adverse health, social and economic impacts of drug use on communities, families and individuals.

 Using both the national and international literature, critically analyse the impact the three pillars of harm minimisation have on reducing drug-related harm in Australia.


Style and format

Formal essay style (introduction, body, conclusion). You may choose to use the dot points above as headings to help structure the essay. Reference style/format as per Author – Date




Subject Learning


1. Critically appraise theories of, and initiatives linked to, health behaviour change 2. Demonstrate knowledge of health behaviour change in the context of substance-use disorders

3.               Critically analyse current national and international trends in, and management of, psychoactive substance use

4.               Critically analyse the impact of psychoactive substance use on the mental and physiological health of the person

Marking Criteria See Rubric page 7, 8, 9.

Assessment 3 Poster & Presentation
 Due date Week  9 – Poster (15%)

Week 10 – Presentation (15%) During timetabled workshop

Weighting 30%


Part A: Your assignment will be submitted into a Turnitin submission box within the SNPG939 Moodle site. You will have the opportunity to review and re-submit your assignment up to the due date and time.

Part B: In class presentation will be held in workshop 5 in Week 10.

Type of Collaboration Individual assessment
Length Part A: A3 size poster (Landscape or Portrait)

Part B: 10 minutes












Part A: Poster

 Select ONE of the pillars of the National Drug Strategy namely demand reduction, supply reduction or harm reduction. Create a poster that demonstrates your understanding of this pillar and the effect that it has on reducing drug harm. Your poster:

•       Convey knowledge about your selected pillar to your student peers

•       Should be visually appealing

•       Use APA reference style

 Please see submission format in section below.

 Part B: In class presentation

 During the final workshop, you will be asked to provide a 10-minute presentation to a group of your student peers. In this presentation you should describe your poster and your understanding of your chosen National Drug Strategy pillar. You should also explain how your chosen pillar seeks to reduce harm to those who may be at risk of developing a substance use disorder and/or those currently experiencing a substance use disorder.

 In your presentation, you can use visual prompts, but PowerPoint is not permitted. This activity will be assessed by your student peers, who will assess your ability to transfer your knowledge to them.




Style and format

Part A: Posters can be submitted to Turnitin as either PDF, Jpeg or You are welcome to use any software to create the poster such as Miscrosoft PowerPoint or Publisher, or online infographic tools such as Canva or

Reference style/format as per Author – Date (APA6). A summary of the APA system can be accessed in the online guide on the Library website at:


Subject Learning


1.        2 Critically appraise theories of, and initiatives linked to, health behaviour change

2.        Demonstrate knowledge of health behaviour change in the context of substance-use disorders

3.        Critically analyse current national and international trends in, and management of, psychoactive substance use

4.        Critically analyse the impact of psychoactive substance use on the mental and physiological health of the person

Marking Criteria See Rubric page 7, 8, 9.