Promotion Management using Support Media

Support media includes a vast array of delivery modes that include; advertising on transport shelters, giant inflatables (blimps), transit advertising (buses, taxis, trams, trucks, planes), shopping centre displays, and skywriting, just to name a few. Have a look at the examples in the file on the course homepage. Your task is to find three examples of creative support media (do not use any examples from the course or textbook). Answer the following questions in relation to your examples. To summarise some information you may use a table but you should include accompanying discussion to explain the table. Your answers need to relate specifically to your examples. You can discuss your answers as you prefer; either consider each question using your examples as supporting evidence where you can compare and/or contract examples or you can answer each question separately for each example.
Q1: What functions would support media perform that traditional media cannot?
Q2: From a communication perspective, how effective do you think this approach is?
Q3: Identify likely objectives each promotional example is aiming to achieve.
Q4: Determine what message each promotional example is aiming to deliver.
Q5: Determine the advertising appeal and execution for each promotional example.

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Creative support media refers to the process of supplementing the original media by use of a secondary backup media (Abbasi et al.,17). The common type is out-of-home media advertising which involves billboards, in-store media, and transit advertisements.  Examples include the creative writing of ‘The Ocean is Calling’ and “The Mountains are calling” in Australia. Secondly, there is the “24 Hours” screen technology advertisement media on the streets of Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane which was prepared by the JCDecaux, the largest advertising company in Australia. Finally, there are the Fiat professional support media which shows the Fiat car whose shadow resembles the Rhino and the words ‘move with more grunt’ appear at the advertisement.

Q1: What functions would support media perform that traditional media cannot?

(Moriarty, Mitchell, Wells, Crawford, Brennan, and Spence-Stone pp. 34) Say that creative support media create more awareness to the public than conventional media. This occurs when the secondary media are more appealing than the first media. Most creative media such as ‘24 hours’ advertisement are all on the streets of major towns in Australia. Moreover, they are conspicuous making it easy for the public to see them which improves the awareness. Secondly, the makers of such support media ensure timeliness whereby they place them to the target areas such as shopping centers, on road junctions and the recreation areas for viewers to have enough time to observe them. Other functions may include expanded distribution to target areas as well as reminding the viewers about the product.

Q2: from a communication perspective, how effective do you think this approach is?

          Use of creative support approach is very practical since it entices the public from the original designs on the adverts. The approach is very selective and ensures frequency viewing especially to the daily or often commuters (Sadeh, Nooraie, and Hajikarimi pp.3706). The plan provides broad coverage during the day and night improving a throughout exposure of the advertisement. For example, creative billboards placed at the junctions and busy roads such as the Gregory Highway in Queensland and the Great Western Highway in New South Wales. The approach is cheaper compared to Radio and TV advertisements. For example, the writings “The Ocean is calling” prepared by the NSW Government save money spent on airing the advert on TV channels.

Q3: Identify likely objectives each promotional example is aiming to achieve.

Objectives refer to the goals or activities an individual or an organization is sought to make (Belch, and Belch, pp.397). The primary goal of most creative support media advertisements is increasing the profits of the company by improving its sales (Buil, De Chernatony, and Martínez, pp.118).For instance, the Fiat car Production Company is setting up billboards to make people purchase their cars and vans. Moreover, the approach is aimed at reminding the public about the products and also winning back the lost customers, for example, the “24 Hours” advertisement designs. The adverts about the mountain and the ocean prepared by the NWS government are aimed at encouraging trial and usage of these features. It promotes mountain climbing and water skating. Other objectives include getting more attention and prompting immediate actions on the public, follow-up, and brand switching activities.

Q4: Determine what message each promotional example is aiming to deliver.

The NWS government is encouraging people to use the natural features, the mountains, and the ocean by providing the writings “The Mountains are calling” and “The Ocean is calling” respectively. Using these features will make the residents participate in recreational activities as well as exercise when climbing mountains. The government will eventually benefit when foreigners migrate to Australia for the same activities since they will earn revenue to the state.  Fiat is using the billboard to show that the vehicles being advertised have low-noise engines but are powerful at the same time. They use the rhino shadow to implicate their meaning. The JCDecaux Company is using the “24 Hours” screen billboards which change photos after specified duration. This provides many advertisements during the day giving different messages to the viewers.

Q5: Determine the advertising appeal and execution for each promotional example

It defines the methods used by an individual or an organization to get consumers attention towards a product (Wang, Cheng, and Chu, pp.362). Advertising expenditure, on the other hand, explains the styles used to portray the messages to the public. The Fiat Company uses conspicuous billboards placed at strategic points for the public to see. It uses comparison and imagery styles to pass the message to willing buyers. The “24 Hours” concept employed by JCDecaux Company applies various techniques such as animation and real imagery, products’ symbol, demonstrations and personality symbols on the screens. The NWS government has used alphabetical letter symbol to pass the message straight to the viewers.


Creative support media has significant impacts on the market and also supplementing the primary media. A company should, therefore, use both types of promotion activities to ensure maximum sales which will have a proportionate increase in their income.

Works Cited

Abbasi, M., Vassilopoulou, P., Stergioulas, L.K., Matich, M., Payne, A. and Smith, C., 2015.       Use of creative tools, technologies, processes and practices in the sectors of Art, Media,   and Architecture: State-of the-Art and desired future scenarios.

Belch, M.A. and Belch, G.E., 2013. The future of creativity in advertising. Journal of Promotion            Management, 19(4), pp.395-399.

Buil, I., De Chernatony, L. and Martínez, E., 2013. Examining the role of advertising and sales    promotions in brand equity creation. Journal of Business Research, 66(1), pp.115-122.

Moriarty, S., Mitchell, N.D., Wells, W.D., Crawford, R., Brennan, L. and Spence-Stone, R.,         2014. Advertising: Principles and practice. Pearson Australia.

Sadeh, D.H., Nooraie, M. and Hajikarimi, B., 2013. Billboard advertising optimization by using   imperialist competitive algorithm (Case study: Tehran city). African Journal of Business         Management, 7(36), p.3706.

Wang, J.S., Cheng, Y.F. and Chu, Y.L., 2013. Effect of celebrity endorsements on consumer        purchase intentions: advertising effect and advertising appeal as mediators. Human  Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 23(5), pp.357-367.