Project Orientated Academic Paper

Project Orientated Academic Paper

Assessment Tasks You are required to prepare and write an Academic Paper that addresses the following tasks:

  1. A brief description of a recently completed project-orientated task you have executed as a member of a small group/team within a formal or informal organizational context. The organizational context is required to be either educational, recreational, sporting, or public/private/third sector-related.
  2. A critical and evaluative reflection regarding the accuracy of your Belbin SPI report regarding the dominant team roles you choose to adopt while executing a small group/team project-orientated task within a formal or informal organizational context. Implicit within this task is the need for you to contextualise your self-reflection from the standpoint of the recently completed project-orientated task you identified in point 1 above. You should draw upon the extant literature on Belbin’s theories when undertaking this task.
  3. A critical and evaluative reflection of your perceived group/team dynamics while executing the small group/team project-orientated task you identified in point 1 above. Implicit within this task is the need for you to contextualise your self-reflection within the critical theories associated with team dynamics, management, and organization sciences. You should draw upon the themes presented in the formally-scheduled teaching programme for this module when undertaking this task. Format and Specs: You are required to submit an electronic copy (in Microsoft Office Word format) of your Draft Academic Paper for Peer Review to the Turnitin submission facility for

The word limit range for the Draft Academic Paper is a minimum of 2,000 words up to a maximum of 3,000 words; this means you are not permitted to exceed the maximum word limit. Independent of the absolute maximum 3,000-word limit is the requirement to write a 200-word Draft Abstract that must be placed at the front of your Draft Academic Paper and be presented in single line spacing. The format of the core text of the Draft Academic Paper should follow the specification: 25 mm page margins; 12-point Times New Roman font; 11/2-line-spacing.