Professional Evidence: Reflective Analysis

Professional Evidence: Reflective Analysis

Students are to reflect on their experience of university, and the extent to which you consider your experience of university has enhanced your employability.  In addition to the technical skills you have acquired in other units, you should both critique the theories of reflective practice and professional identity canvassed in this unit, and discuss the extent you feel better able to pursue a career as a professional.Suggestions on ways in which the unit might be improved to enhance the employability of University of Canberra graduates are most welcome.

You may find the structures for reflective analysis set out in the website at Modules – Student Resources – Reflective practice example – fortnightly log + reflective analysis to be helpful in organising your analysis.  The example is based on Reporting – Relating – Reasoning – Reconstructing.  Please note that this example was developed for the reflective analysis of an individual unit, whereas as your task is to reflect on your experience of university.

If you have switched courses/degrees during your time at UC, and/or have come here from another university, I invite, but not compel, you to consider reflecting on the totality of your university experience, not just the particular degree you happen to be getting (hopefully) soon. Such switches are major strategic decisions and should be rich sources for reflection for you.

The experience of university can be substantially broader than activities directed at learning.  The experience of university through social experiences such as student-run societies, encountering a wider range of people and ideas than previously, and the development of self-confidence and other characteristics we associate with being a professional, are all part of the “university experience”. You have the opportunity, but not compulsion, to reflect on these aspects of your life at university.

That said, a good place to commence your analysis is with the objectives for the course/degree you hope to complete in the near future.  These objectives may be found by entering the name of your course in the Course Search box on the UC home page, and then selecting the appropriate commencing year.  The course objectives are on the “Important to know” tab.  Additional material may be found under the Introduction tab under the section headed “Study a Bachelor of [your course] and you will:”.  You should also have regard to the Graduate Attributes found in every unit outline.  These attributes are common for all courses/degrees across the university,

Penalties relating to late submissions are set out in Section 5b below, as are processes relating to requests for extensions.  Students who do not complete either or both parts of this assessment item, and do not have an acceptable reason (see Section 5b), will receive zero marks for the relevant part. Students who have an acceptable reason will complete an alternative assessment addressing the same learning outcomes. The marksheet for the reflective analysis follows:

Criterion Mark
Effective reflection on the course in which the student is currently enrolled, and on the achievement or otherwise of its objectives (30 marks)  
Structure of the analysis (Introduction, Substance, Conclusion) (5 marks)  
Written expression (paragraphs, grammar) (5 marks)  
Total (40 marks) (A)  
Less: Penalties  
Late submission (2 marks/day)  
Cover page does not meet UC requirements (2 marks)  
Student name disclosed on submission (2 marks)  
Total penalties (B)  
Marks for assessment (40 marks) (A) – (B)