Principles of Personalised Care
Summative Assessment task details and instructions
Personalised care promotes the nurse to consider the ‘person’ as opposed to the ‘patient’ (NHS England, 2019; Nursing and Midwifery Council [NMC], 2018). In doing so, you will need to use appropriate communication skills and interpersonal skills to support and enable people to make informed choices within their episodes of care. This assignment will centre around a person’s story of an episode of care. You will need to choose one story/experience and address the assessment criteria set out under ‘Assessment Criteria’. In week 8 at the ‘Service User and Carer Voices Day’ you will hear personal accounts from Service Users and Cares of their experiences, which you may want to also use. To FULLY meet the assessment criteria, you need to: · Briefly summarise the persons episode of care and describe the importance of partnership working between the nurse and person in relation to personalised care and support planning. This links to Learning Outcome (IOL) 2. See page 3 · Explain how a nurse can use communication and interpersonal skills within this person’s episode of care, in identifying what matters to the person. This Links to Learning Outcome (ILO) 3 see page 3 · Describe one advantage of and one barrier to interprofessional teamwork in relation to the persons episode of care. This Links to Learning Outcome (ILO) 4 see page 3 · Describe how social prescribing could support the persons health and wellbeing as well as the health and wellbeing of their family and carers This Links to Learning Outcome (ILO) 5 see page 3 It is essential that you maintain any individual’s anonymity. You should use pseudonyms for all names: patient, staff, clinical area, Trust and so on. Please read the Confidentiality guidelines within this Assessment tab. · Your student roll number should be the title of the Word file. Do not insert your name anywhere in your assignment or on Turnitin. · Type your essay in font size 12 or larger and fully justify your formatted text. Number all pages. · Use line spacing 1.5 in the main body of your assignment and single line spacing in your final reference list at the end of your assignment. · Your ‘in-text’ citations and final reference list should be written in APA 6th (Harvard) style. Please use the University of Salford’s referencing handbook to avoid errors in referencing · Provide a final word count (not including your final reference list) at the end of your assignment. The word limit is 3000 words. |