Positive Learning Environment Report

Positive Learning Environment Report

Part A

Write a reflection based on a behaviour management situation that you have been involved in or observed. You can Choose any 1 given scenario:    Scenario 1

For the third lesson in a row three students sit and talk when the teacher is explaining work, or other students are responding to questions.  In the previous two lessons the teacher used non-verbal strategies (eye-contact, pause, and proximity) and asked the students to remain quiet when others were speaking.  The students were warned that if the behaviour continued, they would be moved to other seats. In the third lesson the three students continued talking to each other.  They were given a warning look, but shortly after they began talking again.  The teacher told one of the students to move to another seat.  The student replied “But that’s not fair”, and remained seated.  She appeared to have no intention of following the instruction.

Scenario 2

Emily comes into the room and places her mobile phone on the desk.  The class are reminded of the school rule, that mobile phones are to be switched off and placed in their bags during the lesson.  Emily explains that she needs to have her phone out because she is expecting an important message from her mother, about the time of an appointment later that day. The teacher notices that when the class are working Emily is typing a text message on her phone.

Scenario 3

First lesson on Monday morning:Students are working on group projects.  One group has not settled to the task; they are talking and laughing about the behaviour of a girl from the school, she is said to have taken off her clothes and masturbated in front of a group of boys at a party on the weekend.  The teacher is moving around the room, spending some time with each group, monitoring progress and providing help. The teacher has spoken to the group about their behaviour, but once she moves away the group returns to gossiping.  Another group sitting close by is becoming distracted, and they are now listening to the gossip.

Scenario 4

Damien is in Year 8. He has the reputation of being the class clown, and in almost every lesson, you need to address his in appropriate behaviour; today is no different. While trying to teach the class about the psychological needs of chimpanzees, Damien starts to throw paper planes at his classmates.

Using the describe, analyse and transform framework: describe what happened (what you did or someone else did and how the problem was resolved, or not resolved); explain why you/the teacher and the students behaved as they did (analyse); and what you would do if this situation were to occur again (transform).

Your reflections must be supported by content and readings from the unit, as well as your own research.

Tip: If you structure your assignment around the headings of ‘describe’, ‘analyse’, and ‘transform’, you will have to repeat yourself. The more word economic option, therefore, is to weave the description, analysis and transformation elements together, as these fit into telling the story of the event.Part B

Develop a classroom management plan. How you structure and design your plan will vary, but it must contain a flow chart, or equivalent, which includes preventative, supportive and corrective strategies that promote a safe and positive learning environment, dealing with student misbehaviour and taking into account the range of cultural, linguistic, indigenous and ability issues.

You should also indicate how resources, communications with parents/ colleagues/ carers and the ethical and responsible use of available technology/ facilities all assist in the overall management plan.