
Philosophy in Practice ECE1890

Philosophy in Practice ECE1890

An outcome for this course is to “assess a written child care program statement and the operationalization of it, utilizing current professional documents and relevant legislation”.   As such, this assignment will require students to identify and analyse the connection between the words a program uses in their program statement, with the choices made in practice. This data collection and analysis is meant to illuminate the ways that we can more effectively bridge the gap between what we say we believe about children with the choices we make in our early learning environments and in our interactions and relationships with children, families, community and colleagues.Each student will access and copy or print the program statement from their placement site.  Students in a licensed child care centre can locate the program statement on the childcare website (you may need to ask the placement team members to direct you to where to access this document).  Students placed Full-Day Kindergarten classrooms should use the 2016 Kindergarten Program document (pp. 9 – 13).

Carefully review the program statement (philosophy) from your placement site.  Underline or highlight 3 distinct statements of values/beliefs from the Centre’s Program Statement or Kindergarten document. 

Through ongoing observation, students will identify 3 specific examples of practice that they believe demonstrate the effective operationalization of 3 distinct statements of values/beliefs from the Centre’s Program Statement or Kindergarten document. Document these examples.After each one of the examples and the values statement is identified, provide rationale to explain how and why the example shows effective operationalization of the statement identified.  For each example, cite program or course readings in a meaningful and relevant way.

In addition identify 3 specific example of practice that demonstrates the ineffective operationalization of 3 distinct statements of values/beliefs from the Centre’s Program Statement or Kindergarten document. Document these examples.

Similarly, after each one of the examples and statement is identified, provide rationale to explain how and why the example shows ineffective operationalization of the statement identified.  For each example, cite program or course readings in a meaningful and relevant way.See the rubric to determine the weight/ worth of each of the above expectations.

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