People Culture and Contemporary Leadership

People Culture and Contemporary Leadership

Your Task

To create TWO (2) individual reflections that apply the People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership theories and concepts that have been covered in the subject. Both reflections will be completed as inclass activities.Assessment Description  

An important part of undertaking postgraduate study, is that you actively reflect on what you’ve been learning and how you could apply it to assist your own professional development and/or future career.

Reflection One will be conducted in-class in Week 6, and will be based on the Industry Guest Speaker the link between theory and practice), attendance at this class is a requirement in order to complete the assessment. Discussions, participation and self-analysis activities will be conducted in class. You will have 48 hours  from the date of the class that they are enrolled in to complete their reflections which will be based on the in-class discussion to submit via Moodle

Reflection Two will be conducted in Week 12 and be a self-analysis of your leadership style and ways that you can develop your own leadership skills? You will be required to use the range of self-analysis and self-assessment tools to support your leadership development, that have been covered in the subject. Attendance at this class is a requirement in order to complete the assessment. Discussions, participation and self-analysis activities will be conducted in class.

Assessment Instructions 

Attendance at these classes is required in order to complete these reflections.

To assist you in developing your reflections, you should be writing weekly diary notes recording your experiences (both positive and negative), on the topics and discussions. To ensure the success of your Reflective Journal make certain that you incorporate the following:

  • At least one (1) example that was most relevant to you from your chosen topics
  • Paragraphs that don’t just describe your experiences but critically analyse them as well

You should refer to at least three (3) relevant theories that you have covered during the subject to support your responses.

Please refer to the Assessment Marking Guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.