Pastor Keith Moore’s Five Fold Gifts of Ministry

Pastor Keith Moore’s Five Fold Gifts of Ministry

Keith Moore founded and led Moore Life Ministries and Faith Life Church in both Branson and Sarasota. His ministry focused on the importance of the written gospel and the significance of being led by the holy spirit at all times. He extensively traveled in the U.S. together with his wife Phyllis where they majored on gospel about love, healing, prosperity, faith, and honor. Moore and Phyllis aimed at seeing the sick being healed, and the lost being saved, the distressed relieved and empowering of the discouraged and whose hearts were broken. Through his anointed gospel, many people have given testimonies of changes in their lives. He worked for 20 years with Kenneth Hagin who was a preacher and the famous initiator of the word of faith movement. Moore ministered in a healing school and was a teacher at Hagin’s Rhema Bible Training Center for about 12years in Tulsa City in the United States. Today, Moore uses the media to spread the gospel. Moore ministerial work depicts that he is endowed with five-fold ministry gifts, which consists of apostolic, prophecy, evangelism, pastoral, and being a teacher.Ephesians 4:11-12 presents five ministry gifts, and they comprise of apostolic, prophecy, evangelism, pastoral, and teacher. All the gifts mentioned above are meant to help the saints of the ministry and to enrich the body of Christ. Second Peter 4:10-11 states clearly that each Christian operates on their grace, which they follow on their regular ministry activities (Green, 2015).  Just like the other men and women in the ministry work, Keith Moore has had a supernatural grace gift inside himself, which helps him to utilize his bodily gifts while spreading the gospel. The gifts have been determinants of his ministry work all through his lifetime.
Being a pastor is the most popular gift that Pastor Moore has, and therefore, he needs the rest of the traits to enable him to undertake the saint’s work of the ministry appropriately. The fact that he is a pastor, Moore has been inviting other gifted individuals in his church to ensure that the congregation is satisfied with his work of the ministry. Moore has been the defender of the church, and he is always on the forefront in leading the sheep to the pastures and the ways of a righteous life. Moore also demonstrates the qualities and gifts of a pastor through caring and being concerned about the aspects of the community of faith in his church. He would even care for the followers of his church, and act which has attracted new believers and other ministers in his church.
Moore demonstrated the gift of a teacher when he taught saints in the work ministry at Hagin’s Rhema Bible Training Center. He equipped the saints with the ministry’s knowledge. He had God’s anointing to impart wisdom and understanding of the saints in the bible school. He broke up the fallow ground of these saints and created balance in their lives as they prepared to spread the ministry work all over the world. Moore also acted as an apostle where he developed leaders and raised sons in the gospel. He received visions on behalf of his people and churches. He had an anointing power, and the holy spirit would manifest to the people whenever Moore would sing and administer the gospel. It was a gift which he used to advance the kingdom of Christ, mostly in his churches.
Moore was also an excellent communicator, especially when interpreting the bible to the people. He would proclaim the will of God, which was a clear indication that he had a gift of prophecy. He pointed out the direction on which the believers would follow and directed the Christians on what to do at each particular time. He administrated and guided the Christians in his churches and also the public. Moore declared the visions and missions of his churches and the facilities needed for the work of ministry. With such a prophetic gift, Pastor Moore would also counsel the Christians and warned them against actions that would be contrary to the will of God.
Evangelism gift is also revealed in Pastor Moore’s work of ministry. He has reached and turned non-believers into believers through the messages that he delivers by singing and giving gospel sermons to the people. He has the courage and the power to reach the fanatic non-believers, and preach to them on why they need to be converted to Christianity. He would train ministry workers that would reach out to the community by conducting missions and open crusades that aimed at improving the lives of people. He would sow seeds of the gospel to the people who eventually turned their ways and believed in the works of ministry. He would lead in holding gatherings of people where he would evangelize through singing songs and preaching the gospel of Christ.
Apart from the five gifts of ministry, Moore is endowed with different gifts. For example, he is a singer. After being trained by Hagin, he would be invited to sing in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Witnesses claim that Moore’s songs were fresh from heaven and they were a blessing to the entire congregation. Believers would attest that the message would take them higher when Hagin would invite Moore in his church. Moore was always under the spirit in his songs, and there was total holy spirit manifestation. The spirit moved and freely flowed to the people. Believers claimed that his gesture was anointed and everyone believed that the man was sincerely sent by God to administer to them.According to 1 Corinthians 12:7, a manifestation of the holy spirit is given for the common good. It is a clear indication that when a minister allows the holy spirit to manifest to the people without forcing him, it would be for the benefit of the followers. Most of the congregation members felt good and blessed whenever Pastor Moore administered them in his work of ministry. Such things brought a lot of positive impacts on the body of Christ. Ephesians 4: 12 says that preparing people for Christ work builds the body of Christ. With the five-fold gifts of ministry, Moore made nurtured many believers for the work of Christ, which clearly according to the bible built up the body of Christ. He changed the lives of many and increased the number of those who will inherit the kingdom of God.
First Peter 4:10 states that every human being should use the gifts they have been given to serve others (Meador, 2018). Moore used his ministry gifts to help people through teaching, evangelizing, proclaiming, and telling them the will of God. Spiritual gifts are not for personal benefits, but the benefit of the body of Christ, and if they are used the way Moore used his gifts, they will contribute to the growth and development of the church. Ephesians 4:16 says that “if the whole body is joined and held together by supporting joints, it eventually grows up and build up in love as each part performs its functions in the right way” (Esau, 2017). It is clear that Pastor Moore’s gifts brought unity in the church, manifested the holy spirit of God on the earth, revealed the living God to the unbelievers, taught the church, reminded people of their dependence upon others and brought glory to the living God.
In recap, it is evidence that God is the giver of the five-fold gifts. It is also clear that Pastor Keith Moore revealed to the church that he had the five-fold ministry gift, which he used in ministering to the people and the entire church of Christ. When gives people special attributes, he expects them to use them in doing the work of Christ. Moore is a faithful, anointed servant who was tirelessly spread the word of God across the globe. Whenever Moore ministers to the congregation, there is a manifestation of the holy spirit, and followers experience the presence of the holy spirit in their midst. Moore used his gifts to impart changes in people’s lives and in building the body of Christ. After completing training with Hagin, Moore started to show his God-given ministerial traits by singing and blessing the congregation with the holy spirit from the lord. Moore gifts were line with the scriptures about the gifts of the holy spirit because they brought unity in the church, taught people how to serve others and contributed to the growth and good health of the church. Moore would gather people together like Jesus used to do, and reveal God’s presence to those who never believed the word of Christ. With Moore’s gifts, so many people turned their wicked ways and became followers of Christ.