
Numeracy in Early Childhood

Numeracy in Early Childhood

1. How do you plan children’s maths learning experiences?
2. How do you ensure that these plans are implemented?
3. How do you assess children’s conceptual maths understanding and other aspects mathematical learning?
4. How do you assess your own practices?
Reflecting on the use of Interactive White boards (IWB) and iPad for children’s mathematical learning do you consider they are useful manipulates/tools in ECME?
How have these ideas shifted your thinking? How might this new learning influence you teaching practice?Part 2
When you were learning mathematics
1. What were your favourite maths games and activities?
2. Discuss your experience of learning certain mathematic concepts.
3. What do you value in your learning experiences?
4. What can children learn from their experiences?
5. What information did you learn from your parents/family about mathematical concepts (including their practices of numeracy training) that will be most useful for you as an educator of young children?

Part 3
1. What is the role of teachers’ theoretical beliefs in ECME?
2. Do you have any personal biases based on your experiences learning mathematics?
3. How important are parents’ and teachers’ attitudes toward ECME?
What mathematical tasks and activities can further the development of the child’s mathematical thinking? (ages 3-5)
( No need of reference, questions should be answered how as an early childhood educator)

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