Motivation Job Satisfaction and Work Performance

Motivation Job Satisfaction and Work Performance

Motivation is an internal force attributable to the employees needs to influence them to achieve the target goal. The target goal in this case can be improved performance. How employees will perform depends on the how motivated and satisfied they are. Therefore, for an employee to perform to the maximum both motivation and job satisfaction must be employed. The two aspects drives an employee towards the achievement of the required performance. There are several theories that are used to explain employee motivation. For example, Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, Alderfer’s ERG theory, McClelland Theory, Herzberg Two-Factor Theory, Reinforcement Theory, Organizational Behavior Modification, Equity Theory and Expectancy Theory. All these theories strive to meet the unfulfilled need of the employees. On the other side, job satisfaction is the role employees’ play while performing their duties. If an employee is satisfied while performing his or her job, it is quite evident that he or she will deliver the best.As discussed above there is a link between motivation, job satisfaction and work performance. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the supervisor or human resource manager to apply motivation at the workplace as well as job satisfaction in order to improve the performance of the employees. The application of both motivation and job satisfaction creates enthusiasm, contentment and spirit of team work among the employees who align their energies with the strategies set in place to achieve the company strategic goals. This means that they increase their performance so they can achieve the organizational objectives.

Motivation and job satisfaction brings in the attribute of commitment among the employees. According to Platisa, Reklitis, & Zimeras (2015) employees commit himself or herself to perform with endurance when or he or she feels motivated and satisfied at his or her job. The relation between motivation and job satisfaction is depicted through committed to the performance that is exhibited by the employees. Therefore, it is evident that the application of motivation and job satisfaction leads to commitment. In this context, commitment will, mean improved performance.

Motivation and job satisfaction also influence employees to apply varied approaches while executing their work. When employees are motivated and experience job satisfaction at the same time they are likely to change from the routine way of executing their tasks to innovative and effective methods (Roos, 2013). Therefore, it is the responsibility of the managers to make sure that employees experience motivation and job satisfaction at the same time. For example, managers can increases employees job satisfaction by subjecting them to jo challenges and contests that will make apply extra efforts to increases overall productivity. The studies have shown that increasing motivation and job satisfaction among the company employees is the most difficult tasks that managers come across (Maria, 2012).  However, a manager will be able to overcome this problem by understand the needs and the desires of the employees. This will help a manager to employs techniques that enhances employee motivation and satisfaction for the benefit of the company which will be improved performance. Besides, a manager can motivate organization employees by acting as a role model. This means that a manger will behave and act in a manner that transcends into improved performance for the employees to emulate.

When employees feels that they are motivated and are experiencing job satisfaction they develop a feeling of worth. Employees feels that they are valued through their desire and needs being met. On the aspect of job satisfaction employees that they are doing what they enjoy doing and therefore, they will do to achieve the best. Encouraging and appreciating employees while at the workplace increases their motivation and job satisfaction. The encouragement in this situation can be recognizing employees you perform well. For example, a manager or supervisor can recognize employee for extra efforts, congratulate him for exceptional performance, thank them for their talents and reward them with gifts as well employ other methods will portray the expression of gratitude.

Employees’ motivation and job satisfaction leads them to develop and aspect of optimism. When employees are motivated and experience job satisfaction they develop a spirit of hope despite the performance challenges that they may face. This means that they will endure the challenges as well look at the means of overcoming them in order to achieve the desired performance level. Managers at the workplace can radiate the development of optimism spirit among the company employees. This will encourage the employees to perform at their best even they are experiencing difficult circumstances and other challenges.Motivation and job satisfaction produces happy employees. Findings show that happy employees develop enthusiastic spirit and portray high levels of productivity and performance. On the other side, dissatisfied employees display the signs of underperformance as well low productivity. Besides, there will be frequent absent from work and high turnover rate among the disgruntled employees. Therefore, an organization should motivate its employees to make sure they are always happy to perform at their best.

Motivation and job satisfaction calls for both contribution of both the employer and the employee. The employer must motivate employee by providing him with the necessary tools needed to perform his job well. This should be accompanied by rewarding the employees for the job well done. Once, this accomplished employees will be satisfied to work effectively and efficiently. Motivation and job satisfaction will enable an employee to improve his performance and productivity because all the essential needs have been met.

From the above discussion, this paper has found there is a strong link between motivation, job satisfaction and performance. For the employees to perform the desired level they must be motivated and availed with the environment that will boost their job satisfaction. Therefore, it is important for the managers to highlight employee needs at the workplace. For example, managers can pay attention to the attitudes shown by the employees as this may the sing of dissatisfied employees. Once this occurs, it is the responsibility of the manager to employee motivation mechanism and workplace environment to will increase their job satisfaction as well as performance.