Monitor Staff Performance Case Study

Monitor Staff Performance Case Study

In line with an upcoming departmental staffing needs audit, each department manager has been asked to consider their current staff performance appraisals in order to produce documents for their departmental performance management processes.  It is imperative that all departments across The Righteous Inn have uniformity in this area, so Mark Penfold has asked you, the Human Resources Manager, to develop a series of standard documents that other department managers can adhere to and change for their own individual needs. He has requested that you prepare and submit the following documents:

  • [D1] An organisational ‘Staff Performance Management Policy’.
  • [D2] Performance standards for a casual employee in relation to two nominated areas of your choice.
  • [D3] Performance standards for a permanent, full-time employee in relation to two nominated areas of your choice.
  • [D4] Performance standards for a volunteer employee in relation to two nominated areas of your choice.
  • [D5] Performance management documentation required to underpin the performance management system of the business.

For preparation of these documents, Mark has advised you to conduct research into the document processes used by other establishments, use online sources, as well as the existing Righteous Inn performance standards documents to assist your work. Once complete, you are to submit your documents to Mark for review and dissemination throughout the hotel’s departments.

Criteria for success

The decision-making rules that will be followed are:

  • Learners must complete all parts of the Project.
  • All tasks must be completed correctly to achieve a satisfactory result.
  • Where a Learner does not complete tasks or questions correctly, they will be provided an opportunity to repeat at a later date.

 [D1] An organisational ‘Staff Performance Management Policy’.

  1. Stated implementation date.
  2. Gave aim of the policy.
  • Providing feedback, support and recognition
  • Developing staff performance and business performance as a result
  • Maximising the potential of staff
  • Identifying training and development opportunities and needs
  • Providing a mechanism for career planning
  • Ensuring consistency of performance with business goals
  1. Provided scope for the policy.

The scope of a PMS is to ensure a consistent, high level of staff performance. It is an ongoing process that involves identifying, evaluating and improving staff performance. It allows staff to benefit through recognition, feedback, career planning and professional development.

  1. Stated a rationale for the policy explaining why staff performance management is important/implemented in the venue.
  2. Defined relevant words/terms.
  3. Made policy statement.

The work performance of all employees is to be reviewed regularly. This review should comprise regular informal feedback from the employee’s immediate supervisor and a formal performance review conducted annually.

  1. Listed applicable legislation.

Provided procedures to follow to implement aims of the policy – in relation to:

  1. Identifying the elements of the performance management system to be applied.
  2. Listing how applicable performance standards are to be developed.
Performance Standard Key outcomes or Key Performance Indicators
Personal presentation and grooming Clean white uniform, hair clean and off face, nails trimmed and clean, covered toe shoes, use of deodorant and toothpaste, no earrings, no nail polish, and cuts covered with blue band aid
Adherence to operational procedures Sales order system, Manufacturing report, auditing, Planning system, task tracking system, Accounts receivable
Productivity Multi operational goals, communication to employees, evaluate indicators, cascading goals
Waste minimization Recycling wastes, using non-biodegradable wastes, water management,
Teamwork Efficiency in work, motivation to work together, adjustment in work, helping each other, working together, time management


  1. Explaining how identified performance standards may be communicated to workers.

For analyse staff performance effectively, you will need to develop a clear and concise set of performance criteria for each individual. You will then need to tell them what the criteria are and how they will be judged against them. This is normally done as part of the job description. Well defined job descriptions enable better recruitment as the job requirement is defined and the new recruits know what is expected

  1. Naming timing of induction of employees into the staff performance management system

Monitoring staff performance can be formal and informal. You will need to institute periodic performance reviews to help you plan for longer-term staff training and improvements. You will also need to make sure that you observe the daily procedures to make sure that the staff know their jobs. Communication is the key to correct monitoring of your staff and ensuring they are fully utilised.

  1. Detailing processes inherent in performance management meetings, sessions or interviews
  2. Describing guidance and support the organisation is prepared to offer/provide to employees to enhance their performance.
  3. Identifying methods of appraising different job performances.
  4. Explaining protocols for developing remedial action to address identified need.
  5. Describing ways to monitor employee progress under the system and acknowledge/reward their progress.
  6. Identifying methods to be used for collecting employee performance data.
  7. Describing strategies and techniques to be used to identify and investigate identified staff performance problems.
  8. Identifying record keeping, filing and storage requirements and protocols.
  9. Detailing reasons for and activities inherent in the provision of verbal and written warnings and formal counselling.
  10. Date for revision of the policy.

[D2] Performance standards for the casual employee:

  1. Outcome Identified and detailed performance standard in relation to interaction with other members of the team.
  2. Identified and detailed performance standard in relation to waste minimisation.
  3. Explained process used for generating provided standards.
  4. Detailed how standard would be communicated to worker.
  5. Described how compliance with and/or achievement of these standards would be monitored identifying evidence to be used as performance indicators

[D3] Performance standards for the permanent, full-time employee:

  1. Identified and detailed performance standard in relation to customer service standards.
  2. Identified and detailed performance standard in relation to productivity.
  3. Explained process used for generating provided standards.
  4. Detailed how standard would be communicated to worker.
  5. Described how compliance with and/or achievement of these standards would be monitored identifying evidence to be used as performance indicators.

[D4] Performance standards for the volunteer employee:

  1. Identified and detailed performance standard in relation to personal presentation.
  2. Identified and detailed performance standard in relation to punctuality.
  3. Explained process used for generating provided standards.
  4. Detailed how standard would be communicated to worker.
  5. Described how compliance with and/or achievement of these standards would be monitored identifying evidence to be used as performance indicators.

[D5] Performance management documentation:

  1. Demonstrated alignment with the organisational ‘Staff Performance Management Policy’.
  2. Provided an ‘Employee Performance Review’ form showing planning for a review/appraisal session and providing a basis for recording items discussed
  3. Provided an ‘Employee Performance Plan’ outlining the goals for the next performance appraisal period and the support the organisation will provide.
  4. Presented a Checklist suitable for guiding actions when managing under-performance informally.
  5. Presented a Checklist suitable for guiding actions when managing under-performance using formal steps (that is, when ‘informal’ means have failed
  6. Produced ‘rewards and recognitions list’ applicable to the venue that is the focus of this Activity that can be used as a reference point when acknowledging achievement and outstanding performance of workers.
  7. Prepared an ‘Employee request for coaching/training’ form.
  8. Included an ‘Employee self-assessment of work skills and knowledge’ form.