Major Disruption in Project Plans

Major Disruption in Project Plans

Assessment 3 – Urgent News ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW
When things go wrong…. Oh no! There has been a major disruption in your project plans! A key stakeholder has an urgent requirement for the scheduled works to be changed mid-project in order for the site to remain operational. They’ve sent you this email with the details of the changes.


Date: Today



Hi, I’m Kim, the Operations Manager for Western Australia. The Storage Tank you are currently working on in W.A. needs to be back online within 3 weeks because we have to receive 4 million litres of Aviation Fuel from a rescheduled shipment. We can’t miss this deadline, as it will be another 12 weeks before a backup shipment can be arranged. There is serious pressure from the Commercial Division not to lose the $2m revenue from this product and to top it all off if we don’t get this delivery our key customer will not be able to operate, exposing us to major penalty payments in excess of $3m per month! I can see from your master schedule that you originally planned for this tank to be worked on in another 5 days time, taking 10 days to complete the planned works. BUT the project has already been delayed 10 days by faults discovered in other tanks on site, so we can’t possible complete these works within your original schedule. Please rework the schedule to ensure this tank will be ready to receive the product within my 3 week deadline!!


(By the way, I don’t have any funds in my budget to pay for this change.)

Assessment 3 instructions
This Assessment will involve evaluation based on the instructions below and in particular, the marking rubric. When things go wrong…. ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

This assessment task asks you to respond to a major disruption in your project plans. You will receive a communication about urgent news. Make sure you read this communication carefully, then complete this assessment task. What will you do? Your task is to respond to your client.  Prepare a 5 minute audio recording, addressed to your client, reassuring them that you can still achieve the project goals, and explaining how you are planning to do this.  You need to  submit your audio le via the Assessment 3 submission link.
Your submission will be assessed on your demonstrated understanding of the issue raised, your identification of the problem areas, alternative solutions identified, evaluated and selected, and how effectively this is communicated. You should also make sure you keep within the constraints of the project, with any impacts identified and communicated clearly, succinctly and convincingly. Read over the Assessment 3 marking guide carefully before you nalise your submission.
Tips on recording an audio le:
Use any software you have access to or are most comfortable with – as long as your voice is clear and audible, you will not be assessed on the audio quality. For iPhone users, the inbuilt Voice Memos app will allow you to record and export an audio message. Alternatively, you could also use Zoom (turning off your video camera) to record your response.
The preferred le format is MP3, but if you do use Zoom for your recording, look for the .m4a (audio only) le.