Kalbarri Touring & Co Case Study

Kalbarri Touring & Co Case Study

Kalbarri Touring & Co. (KT&C) has been hosting national and international tourists in Western Australia in the last 12 years. KT&C is in particular very well known for their safari and bushwalking services. Management of KT&C is investigating the recent changes in the industry as well as the regulations (based on the bushfires and other environmental impacts) in Australia to improve these two services. Creativity and Development Manager of Kalbarri Touring & Co has been allocated to create a list of all the potential risks of this new proposal. Part (a)

Suppose that you are part of consultation team of the Creativity and Development Manager to categorise risks involved. Make a risk register for this company and ensure to discuss about mitigation of all the risks found. You need to discuss about four risks in this project; two opportunities and two threats. You can also review the existing literature to support your discussion.

Part (b)

KT&C has planned to design a new type of tent (to sell under KT&C brand) for which you are hired as the project manager.

Based on your experiences, you are aware that you can buy the fabric used in this tent between $390 and $420 per tent, which follows the Uniform distribution. It is also found that metal of this tent follows Normal distribution with mean value of $860 per tent and its standard deviation is $25.

Furthermore, labour cost can be considered as a decision variable as $235 per tent. All other costs, including preproduction marketing, are considered as $750,000 and also you have decided to sell each tent for $2250.

You need to employ Monte Carlo Simulation to simulate potential profit of this project. However, for this purpose, you need to know about demand.

For demand, you should consider the last four digits of your student ID number at the College. For instance, if your ID number is 20190XXXX, then you should consider demand as XXXX. Illustrate your simulation result by running 100 trial simulations and then find maximum, average and minimum profit.

How to submit

One single MS Excel file needs to be submitted for this assignment. In your file, you should have two different spreadsheets as below:

  • One spreadsheet dedicated to Part (a) [including a report of 600 – 700 words]
  • One spreadsheet dedicated to Part (b) [including your Monte Carlo Simulation and its trials]