Jollibee Marketing Case Study

Jollibee Marketing Case Study

Jollibee is a fast-food restaurant chain serving chicken, sandwiches, burgers, and spaghetti. It is based in the Philippines and has outlets in the United States, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates, and Brunei. The company uses the mascot of a large bee in a shirt, blazer, and chef hat. By March 2012, the company had 2,001 outlets in the Philippines, 745 of which were its flagship Jollibee stores, and close to 500 outlets overseas. For its 2012 capital investment program, Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC) has set aside 5.8 billion pesos, of which half is to increase its store count by 250 in the Philippines and in China, to further expand its burgeoning business. The company hopes to have 4,000 outlets worldwide by 2020.HISTORY

Tony Tan and his family started two ice-cream parlors named Jollibee in Cubao, the Philippines, in 1975. Upon the advice of a business consultant and the observation that the company was earning more from side orders of burgers than from the sale of ice cream, the family switched the product from ice cream to burgers in 1978. Jollibee was positioned as offering high-quality fast food at reasonable prices. The company achieved sales of 500 million pesos in 1984 and became the first Philippine fast-food chain to break the 1 billion peso sales mark in 1989. In 1994, Jollibee entered the pizza-pasta segment with the acquisition of Greenwich Pizza Corporation. In 1995, the company acquired the franchise of Délifrance in the Philippines, but terminated it in 2010 to concentrate on its quick-service restaurant businesses. Tan received the World Entrepreneur of the Year award from Ernst & Young in 2005, and in 2008—on its 30th anniversary—Jollibee launched JolliTown, its own children’s TV show………………………………….


  1. What needs and wants are fulfilled by Jollibee’s products and services? (10%)
  2. According to your knowledge and opinion, identify the macro-environmental factors (Political factor, economic factor, social factor and natural environment) affecting Jollibee as it pursues international expansion? (30%)
  3. What strategies and actions is Jollibee using in expanding the international markets? (30%)
  4. What marketing mix strategies (4Ps) is Jollibee using in the international markets? Do you think these are appropriate? Why or why not? (30%)

Format of Submission:

  1. Word limit: 1000 -1500 words. Marks will be reduced for those who have written more or less than the requirement.
  2. Include the word count and references at the end of your paper.
  3. Typewritten in Times New Roman or Arial, font size 12, 1.5 lines spacing on A4 paper