Job Description in Human Resource Management

Job Description in Human Resource Management

Among all the organizational resources human capital is considered as the most critical factor. The organization personnel possess the knowledge, skills and talent that other resources lacks. Additionally, they organize other resources in order to ensure the organization goals and objectives are achieved. Therefore, the companies should ensure they fill the vacancies with the most competent and qualified candidates to ensure organization strategic objectives are attained efficiently and effectively. To determine the caliber of the organization staff to acquire companies to have a comprehensive job description covering all the essentials associated with the management of the human resources. According to Jankingthong & Suthinee (2012) job well planned job description form the base of other processes associated with human capital management. For example, the ability of the certain job applicant to perform a job is indicated in the job description. This helps the resource manager to get rid of the candidates that can met the criterion of job performance laid down in the job description (Sridevi, 2010). This paper uses an example of the job description designed for the position of the human resource manager. Referring to the above example, the paper addresses determinants of the job performance; workplace factors that can influence job performance and describes the context of the job description under scrutiny: PLAGIARIZED SAMPLE: ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

Determinants of Job Performance

Bob (2011) defined job performance as the efforts supplemented with ability as well as organizational support through policies to ensure that the target goals are achieved. However, the expectations of the good performance from the company employees may be unachievable dream if all the determinants are not put into considerations. Some of the factors that contribute in influencing job performance among the employees are as discussed below:

Employee Competency:

The essential skills, knowledge and expertise required to execute a particular job are very crucial in determining the employee job performance. When the company employees are endowed with necessary skills and understands the procedures of executing a certain task appropriately will lead to improved performance within the company. However, failure to possess the key skills and procedures needed in the job will result to reduced performance.

Goal Setting

The involvement of the employee in the company goal setting through decision making process transforms into improved job performance. The studies have found that once the employee is involved in decision making takes the ownership of the arrived decisions and in turn this transcends to better job performance.

Employee Evaluations

In the interactive process of employee evaluation, the company manager provides his input on the performance of the employees. Similarly, the employees gets an opportunity to tell the skills and the knowledge they have acquired throughout the year. Comprehensive, continuous and effective employee evaluation is an important aspect in improving the employee performance.

Company Commitment:

The employee perform better in the situations where they feel that the company is committed towards the success of the employees. For example, continuous training of employees, benefits package and fair compensation motivates the employees and return result to better job performance.

Workplace Factors Influencing the Job Performance

According to Saeed, et al. (2013) the workplace environment is very critical in determining the productivity level and quality of work done by the employees. Good workplace traits improves the employees’ level of motivation as well as their desire to acquire new skills and knowledge. On the other side, unfavorable workplace reduces the employees’ motivation as well as their level of performance. Therefore, the managers should ensure the establishment of the conducive workplaces that motivates employees in their job performance. Some of the major workplace factors that affect job performance are as illustrated below:

Working conditions:

The companies’ workplaces are characterized by many factors that may positively or negatively affect the employee job performance. Studies have found that workplace environment affects employees’ commitment, output and confidence either negatively or positively (Ahmad, 2008). Therefore, the level of the employee motivation is maintained high, the companies should have in place robust practices and procedures which make the workplace environment favorable for the employees. For example, upon evaluating the chosen job description on human resource manager there are some factors that seems to make the working environment a conducive place for the employees. The employees’ benefits and conducive working conditions have been considered in the designed job description.


The success of the achievement of the set goals by the organization will depend on the compensation philosophy adopted by the management (Shahzad, Bashir, & Ramay, 2008). Therefore, the managers should not only focus on financial compensation but should consider other factors such as promotion, appreciation and performance evaluation. Khan & Jabbar (2013) noted that non-financial compensation are very influential on the job performance by the employees in many contexts.


Leaders influence and establish the direction which the organization which the company will undertake (Northouse, 2001). All this depends on the style of leadership adopted by the company management. Leaders who have got the ability to influence and motivate employees to according in the direction of achieving the organization objectives are usually rewarded through improved performance from the employees.


Conflicts a major feature in the company’s workplaces. In the business set conflicts are reality. For example, in the event were the freedom of denied or the resources are limited there is a high degree of the conflict eruption. The job performance is affected by both positive and negative conflicts. Positive conflicts influences the maintenance of the performance relations whereas the negative conflict the employee performance is negatively affected.

Job Performance Context Description

Each category of the job has its own context where it will be applicable suitably. Similarly, human resource management job will be appropriate in a given context. According to the job descriptions of the human resource management job the human resource manager should possess the unique traits and conform to certain that will suit him or her in his or her career. The human resource should portray a role model behavior for the other employees within the company to emulate. Therefore, he or she should adopt to ethical behavior which is in line with the ethical codes of human resource management. Alternatively, the communication of the human resource manager should be effective. This is because the human resource manager acts as a link between the management and the employees of the lower radar. Additionally, the human resource manager should also portray leadership attribute. The human resource manager heads the department the helps the company in acquiring human capital and thus he should possess leadership skills: PLAGIARIZED SAMPLE: ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW


Job description is a fundamental aspect in the process of recruitment. It gives out what skills and knowledge are required for a particular job position. Alternatively, it provides the responsibilities that the job applicant will be required to play once employed. These responsibilities equals expectations of the improved job performance. However, the companies should note that in order to perform better there are critical factors that should be put considerations. Therefore, as much as the companies have good job descriptions they should play their part in ensuring provide employees with necessary environment for effective job performance.


Ahmad, A. (2008). Direct and indirect effects of work-family conflict on job performance. The Journal of International Management Studies, 3(2), 176-180.

Bob, N. (2011). Making employees suggestions Count. Journal of personnel management, 17, 20-41.

Jankingthong, K., & S. R. (2012). Factors Affecting Job Performance: A Review of Literature. Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts, 12(2), 115-127.

Khan, M. M., & Jabbar, M. (2013). Determinants of Employees Performance in Corporate Sector: Case of an Emerging Market. Business and Management Research, 2(3), 25-32.

Northouse, P. G, (2001). Leadership: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage.

Saeed, R., Mussawar, S., Lodhi, R. N., Iqbal, A., Nayab , H. H., & Yaseen , S. (2013). Factors Affecting the Performance of Employees at Work Place in the Banking Sector of Pakistan. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 17(9), 1200-1208.

Shahzad, K., Bashir, S., & Ramay, M. (2008). Impact of HR practices on perceived performance of university teachers in Pakistan. International review of business research papers, 4(2), 302-315.

Sridevi, S. (2010). Employee Engagement: The Key to Improving Performance. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(12), 89-96.