International Business Issues and Practice

International Business Issues and Practice

Assessment Task

You are required to submit an assignment in the form of a report of 4,000 words on the following topics, reflecting the focus of your unit:

The World Economic Forums Global Risk Report 2019 noted a number of challenges that are influencing both national and organisational strategies, :

  • economic vulnerabilities
  • geopolitical tensions
  • societal and political strains
  • environmental fragilities
  • technological instabilities

Your task is to select an organisation of your choice and identify how up to three of the challenges within the report effect the organisation and the implications therefore for the wider business environment and critically analyse the strategies that the organisation is putting in place to counteract these to secure market share and competitive advantageSupport your analysis with relevant cited examples from company / companies of your choice throughout your report.

The report will demonstrate students’ ability to research, analyse, evaluate and make recommendations on the alternative future directions of a particular business issue and practice. The report will include recommendations for one of the organisations referred to in the report. Wherever possible this will be the student’s own organisation.


Your assessment is to be word-processed using Word, and the style required is as follows: 1.5 spacing, Trebuchet MS 12 point, fully justified text, page numbering centre bottom, 3cm space on all sides. Use bold and 14 point for headings. Double return for new paragraphs, do not indent. Use the Harvard referencing system.

References: – (not included in your word count) this must include all references in your assessment which are to come from a range of sources. At this level at least 20 different sources are expected. Referencing throughout your assessment and in this section must use the Harvard system correctly. See Referencing the Harvard Way.

This is an informal report and should have appropriate section headings, a conclusion and recommendations where appropriate. There is no need for an executive summary, as this is not a formal report. Similarly, lots of numbering is not required in subsections etc. however, you may find it helpful to divide sections with numbers. If you do this, then a list of contents would be helpful.

The approach required is a piece of professional, academic work identifying international business issues and practice, relating them to appropriate research and theories, and proposing reasoned solutions in the light of what is expected of you.

Any assertions you make must be backed up with relevant, correctly referenced examples throughout.

Please remember that your assessment may be made available to other students on the course in an anonymised form for their benefit.

All submissions must be made via SOL site. Make sure you submit your work to the correct place BEFORE the hand-in deadline!

Work will be marked using the Solent Grade Scale.