Information Systems for Business and Enterprise

Information Systems for Business and Enterprise

Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unitUnit Learning Outcomes Assessed:

1. Critically evaluate the purpose and role of accounting information systems in today’s business environment;
2. Articulate the various transaction cycles, financial reporting, management reporting systems and e-commerce systems to technical and non-technical stakeholders;
3. Evaluate systems development methodologies and the role of accountants in system development projects;
4. Critically evaluate the range of cultural, security, privacy and ethical issues facing individuals and organisations as a result of information systems.

Description: Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty.  These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions.  Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions for weeks 1 to 5 inclusive and submit these answers in a single document.

The questions to be answered are:Week 1

What is the relationship between data, information and an information system? (10 marks, maximum 300 words)

Week 2

A council health inspector threatens to close down a restaurant by issuing a fake health violation notice if the owner does not make a financial payment to him. If the restaurant owner does not cooperate, the restaurant cannot be opened for business and the negative publicity will drive customers away. Faced with the potential economic loss, the owner makes the payment.


  1. What type of fraud is this? (4 marks, maximum 150 words)
  2. What controls can be implemented to prevent or detect the fraud? (6 marks, maximum 200 words)

Week 3

How is a credit check in the advanced technology system fundamentally different from a credit check in the basic technology system? (10 marks, maximum 300 words)

Week 4 (Maximum 300 words)

The following is the description of cash disbursements system of Two Symbols Limited:

Upon receipt of the documents from accounts payable department, the cash disbursements clerk files the documents until their payment due date. On the due date, the clerk prepares a cheque for the invoiced amount, which is sent to the treasurer who signs it and mails back to the supplier.

The cash disbursement clerk then updates the cheque register, accounts payable ledger, and accounts payable control account from the clerk’s terminal. Finally, the clerk files the invoice and copy of purchase order, receiving report, cheque in the department.


Describe the internal control weakness in Two Symbols’ cash disbursements system and discuss the risk associated with the weakness. (10 marks, maximum 300 words)