Individual Market Research Project

Individual Market Research Project

Task Details/Description:

The Project consists of two separate elements:1. Market Research (MR) Proposal: Design a research proposal relating to a chosen market research problem

2. Market Research (MR) Report: Collect and analyse some secondary data (both quantitative and qualitative) and report the findings of your market research

Detailed guidelines on the steps involved in the task are available at the end of this document. Advice on how to conduct and prepare both components will be supplied in lectures, tutorials and/or meetings with module leader

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:

1. Design a market research proposal, considering factors like sampling / ethics

2. Undertake and complete quantitative market research

3. Undertake and complete qualitative market research

4. Analyse, collate and report quantitative and qualitative market research

 Presentation Requirements:

 Word Count: 3,000 words (MR Proposal = 1,000 words; MR Report = 2,000 words)

Font Size: 12 point

Line Spacing: Optional, but 1.5 recommendedTask Guidelines:

Below are detailed guidelines for the Individual Market Research Project

The Project consists of two separate components: a market research (MR) proposal and a market research (MR) report. Both components are compulsory and must be submitted together in a single document

MR Proposal (25%)

You must establish a potential market problem or opportunity for a company of your choosing. This company will act as your hypothetical “client” for the MR Proposal

The suggestions below are only a guide. How you present your MR proposal and what you choose to include is up to you. It will depend on your chosen company and your chosen market research problem

Further guidance can be found on Blackboard or meetings with the module leader

You are to write a market research proposal of 1,000 words

Your proposal should include the following elements:

1. Propose a Future Primary Research Project to a hypothetical client

2. A short background of the chosen company. (Be brief, this is not the focus of the proposal – max 100 words)

3. Define the market research problem and set the research objective(s)

  • Discuss your chosen research design

1. Discuss your chosen primary research method and why this is appropriate

2. Design and present a data collection document. For example, your questionnaire design, interview guide or experiment protocol, etc. This can be presented in the appendices and will be excluded from the word count

3. Outline your chosen sampling technique and justify your approach

  • Consider potential methods for data analysis
  • Consider any issues relating to ethical conduct

b.   Appendices

1. Include your data collection document (see [v.] above) which will not be included in the word count

MR Report (70%)

In the report, you will use data from a review website (see below) to conduct an analysis of an aspect of an airline, and then you will make some marketing recommendations. The data will include numerical data for quantitative analysis as well as written text for qualitative analysis. This component of the project will make use of your quantitative and qualitative secondary research skills and asks for both analysis and presentation of the available/collected data.

The suggestions below are only a guide. How you present your findings and what you choose to include is up to you, and will depend on what your findings are, i.e. which do you feel are the important findings for the “client”

Don’t feel that the fact the quantitative and qualitative analyses are separated below means that you have to present them in that way. Both types of analysis should support each other. You might decide to present qualitative and quantitative findings together, theme by theme, and/or with the qualitative comments adding depth to your analysed statistics.

This data is to be analysed and collated into a final report of 2,000 words. Visual representations such as graphs and figures are encouraged and excluded from the word count as are the title and contents pages. However, tables which are largely text based should be included in your appendices.Using one of the following websites, choose one of the following review categories: airline, airline lounge, airline seats, or airport. This choice will be your “client”, for whom you are going to write your market research report.

Make sure that your choice has sufficient review information for you to complete your Report. Review it thoroughly before committing to it!

For Airlines, Airline Lounges, Airline Seats, and Airports, use:


For Airlines, you can also use:


For example, you might decide to review British Airways, or an Emirate’s Airport Lounge, the seats of Qantas, or Heathrow Airport. So, you will all be analysing an airline generally, but some of you might choose a more specific aspect to focus on.