Implement Effective Communication System

Implement Effective Communication System

Unit 402: Develop and implement effective communication systems for health and safety information

Learning Outcomes starting with ‘Be able to…..’ require evidence.

Please give an explanation or put into context the evidence submitted for this unit by clearly stating the assessment criteria number and relevant evidence number.

Eg. 1.1 Evidence 1 – this document was produced by me for…………………

1.2 Evidence 2 – minutes of a meeting where ………

Please bear in mind the ‘Action Verb’ in the assessment criteria.

For example if it asks you to ‘Evaluate’ or ‘Analyse’ the evidence provided must demonstrate this or your supporting narrative on this document clearly explains the processes used.

 Evidence supplied for learning outcome 1:  be able to evaluate health and safety information

  • identify and evaluate proposed and new health and safety legislation, codes of practice, standards relevant to the organization

1.2 evaluate developments in health and safety relevant to the organization

1.2a risk assessment

1.2b control procedures and practices

1.2c technical developments

1.2d best practice

1.3 keep records of all relevant health and safety information relating to organizational and regulatory procedures

 Evidence supplied for learning outcome 2: be able to develop and implement communication systems for health and safety information within the organization

2.1 develop appropriate systems for communicating health and safety information relating to input procured by the organization

2.1a materials

2.1b goods

2.1c equipment

2.1d services

2.1e resources

2.2 develop and implement communication systems for health and safety information for:

2.2a stakeholders

2.2b other interested parties

2.2c statutory bodies

2.3 ensure relevant health and safety information for products, services and waste is provided to the relevant people in the organization

2.4 ensure the relevant health and safety standards and procedures for the organization are provided to contractors

2.5 set up procedures to review and maintain communication systems to meet the needs of all levels in the organisation.402.3 – understand the external factors influencing effective communication systems for health and safety information
Assessment Criteria
3.1a – explain the principles of effective communication including different methods of communication: formal and informal systems

3.1b – explain the principles of effective communication including different methods of communication: written

3.1c – explain the principles of effective communication including different methods of communication: verbal

3.1d – explain the principles of effective communication including different methods of communication: barriers to communication

3.2a – explain external factors influencing health and safety risk assessment to include: control procedures and practices

3.2b – explain external factors influencing health and safety risk assessment to include: technical developments

3.2c – explain external factors influencing health and safety risk assessment to include: best practice

3.2d – explain external factors influencing health and safety risk assessment to include: health and safety legislation

3.2e – explain external factors influencing health and safety risk assessment to include: codes of practice and standards

3.3 – describe the need for health and safety promotional activities within the organization

3.4 – describe the health and safety reporting and information requirements for products, services and waste of an organization

3.5 – describe the health and safety standards and procedures of an organization that are relevant to contractors used by the organization402.4 – understand how to develop and implement effective communication systems for health and safety information
Assessment Criteria
4.1 – explain how to develop and implement effective communication systems for health and safety information

4.2a – explain the principles and concepts of: written and verbal communication

4.2b – explain the principles and concepts of: electronic information, retrieval, storage and communication systems

4.3a – describe the external factors influencing communication systems for health and safety information, to include: health and safety risk assessment, control procedures and practices, technical developments and best practice

4.3b – describe the external factors influencing communication systems for health and safety information, to include: proposed and new health and safety legislation, codes of practice and standards.4.3c – describe the external factors influencing communication systems for health and safety information, to include: health and safety promotional activities relevant to the needs of an organisation

4.3d – describe the external factors influencing communication systems for health and safety information, to include: health and safety statutory reporting requirements for an organisation

4.3e – describe the external factors influencing communication systems for health and safety information, to include: health and safety statutory information requirements for the products, services and waste of an organisation

4.3f – describe the external factors influencing communication systems for health and safety information, to include: Health and safety standards and procedures of an organisation that are relevant to the contractors used by the organisation.