Immigration in US: Cooperation or Conflict?

Immigration in US: Cooperation or Conflict?

The existence of varied groups of people in an environment calls for some mutual courtesies which if not well adhered to could lead to a clash. For instance, one has an obligation to keep their volume at a sensible level lest they will face the wrath of their neighbors. Cooperation entails a party adjusting their conduct to suit the anticipated inclinations of the others which is enhanced by policy coordination (Newton and Adams 420). Cooperation often leads to benefits of all the parties involved though they do not have to be necessarily equal. Conflict also referred to as competition refers to a selfish behavior by parties to satisfy their goals at the expense of the others (Newton and Adams 420). Competition strives to mitigate or impede the benefits of others. Peaceful co-existence obliges high levels of cooperation. Both conflict and cooperation shape the development of the world. This paper will explain the two concepts using the issues surrounding immigration in the U.S.The election of Donald Trump as the president of America has led to some fundamental changes in the politics surrounding the issue of immigration. Trump has already set some reforms in the immigration policies aimed to better the wellbeing of the Native Americans. His slogan ‘Put America First’ has gained much popularity from the American workers (Schochet 6). This is a shift from the past centuries’ immigration policies that had opened ways for all masses to enter the United States (Schochet 6). There are however various debates surrounding this matter. Some people feel that it is not only unfair but also a legislation that will negatively affect the economy of the United States (Newton and Adams 413). Those arguing for Trump’s side state that immigration makes the country more congested and poorer (Bowman). For them, America should first satisfy the needs of her citizens before opening its gates for poor foreigners.

The debate of immigration in the United States portrays both a conflict and cooperation. Those who have the view that immigration does well to the country have adopted the cooperation perspective. The people who are opposed to immigration, on the other hand, are creating a conflict out of the subject. Bernie Sanders on immigration argued that although America has an obligation to make people living in developing countries lead more bearable lives, the country must not do so by pulling down the living standards of her citizens (Schochet 3). The Senator went ahead to state that the standard of the workers in America has significantly gone down and it ought not to be lowered past the present status. In the cooperation perspective, people argue that immigration draws more revenue to the country (Bowman). The taxes paid by the immigrants add value to the country’s economy.Cooperation and conflict are to a great extent the products of the parties involved. However, the long-term effects of these aspects influence the development of the whole world. It is undebatable that cooperation and conflict are the major foundations of the formation of alliances. The formation of alliances is the root of most of the evils vested on some countries. The most powerful alliances are more likely to hinder the progress of the more vulnerable ones. This leads to a total division of the world hindering the overall social political and economic development. Although total cooperation can hardly be achieved, nations should strive for more accommodative policies in order to be at peace with one another. Setting more flexible policies could also help to enhance cooperation.