How to Date a Brown Girl by Junot Diaz

How to Date a Brown Girl by Junot Diaz

How to Date a Brown Girl by Junot Diaz is a literal story describing how to successfully date and engage in a sexual relation. The story seems to target the young people especially the ones who are in colleges. This is from the fact that they are the ones who may be largely affected by the dating relationships. Diaz illustrates this by suggesting an individual should make sexual moves after the other family members have left and after giving an excuse that he is unwell. This the trick used by the sons to make their mothers gullible and the end they (mothers) end up leaving them (sons) at home alone. Apart from outwitting their mothers sons are also left with another responsibility of ensuring that they perfect their date to avoid embarrassment in front of the girls they are dating.  Diaz goes further and notes that also girls will respond differently to various sexual advances from their fellow male counterparts.From the above description it is evident for Diaz that there is no none particular way on how a man can date a girl. Girls are different and that impresses a certain girl it may be a keep off for another girl. That is why Junot offers different ways on how someone can date a black girl, a white girl or a halfie. Therefore, Junot holds there is no uniform way of dating all girls but instead a man should adopt differentiating methods of impressing girls as per the situation and prevailing atmosphere. This is because different girls behave differently regardless of their personal preferences. Besides, girls of different races will act totally different when introducing a man to their family members. Even though there are universal rules of dating a same girl for the second and third time it is important to note that the first date should be totally different from the other dates.Diaz story is more stereotypical and seems to be more subjective other than being objective (Diaz 143). The story puts emphasis on highlighting common girls’ stereotypes. These aspects are discussed based on the social class and ethnicity of the girls. This conforms to Oquendo quote that “We thus find no discrete, isolated groups, such as white Latino/ as or Black as, but numerous different and overlapping shades, reflecting the individuals heritage and to some extent correlating with their socio-economic class” (Oquendo 39)  It if from these ethnic and social class stereotypes portrayed by the girls that influences a man on how to treat a girl he is dating. Diaz offers an illustration on how girls react and how they ought to respond at different situations. Alternatively, Diaz adds that a man a critical part to play to enhance him to attain his objective.  To perfect their game Diaz notes that girls of different identity will tend to behave differently and thus men should treat them differently. For example, white girls are assumed to come from wealthy families. Again, Diaz opine that white girls are ignorant and can give in to sex on the first date. Simply, White girls are easy pawns (Diaz 144). On the other side, Diaz believes that Black (African American), Brown girls and Halfies are not morally loose as White girls. Therefore, any man dating this girls should know how to treat them differently.