HIST 115 Online: Latin American History

HIST 115 Online: Latin American History

Essay Questions: (15 points each)

These 2-3 page essays should be prepared beforehand and be copied and pasted into the final exam. I am grading these on the quality of grammar, MLA format, and historical insight. Your essays encompass four different Latin American countries, and you can use Eakin for much of the content. You may also use some of your notes from the discussion boards, but please do not copy an entire DB and use it as your essay. In addition, you are required to use 1-2 outside sources and cite them as such at the end of your essays.1. Choose any two countries in Latin America and conduct a comparative study of one country that experienced reform and one country that experienced revolution in the 20th century (Eakin Chapter 21). Please break your essay down into political, social, and economic elements. (15 points)

2. Chose any two countries (different from the ones above) and conduct a comparative study of two countries that moved between dictatorship and democracy in the 20th century (Eakin Chapter 22). Please break your essay down into political, social, and economic elements. (15 points)