Health Conditions Prevalence Affecting Indigenous
Write an essay in standard academic format that addresses one of the following questions: 1. Describe the prevalence and incidence of one or more health conditions that affect Indigenous people at a relatively high rate, making note of geographical variation. Using a social determinants approach, explain why the conditions disproportionately affect Indigenous people.
2. Outline the theory of the social determinants of health. Choose one or more ‘Indigenous health determinants’ and explain how they contribute to poor Indigenous health status.
3. With a focus on Indigenous health status, outline the development and key features of the ‘Closing the Gap’ policy.
4. What do you understand by racism? How have racist policies affected the health status of Indigenous Australians? Include in your answer an outline of Australian legislation on racism.
5. ‘Indigenous people will only succeed in improving their lives when they choose to act as if they are not victims of racism.’ Critically respond to this claim with an emphasis on ‘what works’ in Indigenous health.
6. ‘There will be no sustained improvement to Indigenous disadvantage, no closing the gap in Indigenous health and other social indicators, unless Indigenous people take responsibility for their own suffering and its remediation.’ Discuss this claim, with an emphasis on the role of choice in Indigenous health.
7. ‘There exists a substantial imbalance in power and control over the Indigenous affairs agenda in Australia, which is the ‘gap’ that must be addressed for the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians to improve.’ Discuss.
8. If you have an area of special interest and knowledge not covered in the questions above, are welcome to develop your own question. But it must address the learning outcomes of the unit, and your lecturer must sign off on it.Structuring and referencing your research essay: include a cover sheet and submit your work as a Word doc – not a PDF