Gender and Sexual Orientation Differences

Chapter 12: Gender and Sexual Orientation Differences

Read the following case study: ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

Hal Crisp is a 19-year-old young man who thinks he might be gay and likes to go clubbing. His parents disapprove of this, not only because they are embarrassed, but because they think that the ecstasy, meth, and other drugs at the clubs are dangerous. Hal says that he goes clubbing because that’s the only place he feels accepted. He says he certainly does not feel accepted by his family.

Refer to the following guide: “A Practitioner’s Resource Guide: Helping Families to Support Their LGBT Children” (produced by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – SAMHSA): (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Using what you have learned in the above resource guide, and in Chapter 12, and this week’s field trip, write a 300-word top level post that responds to the following questions in ESSAY format:

1. How would you approach this client and this case as an addiction counselor?

2. Do you think Hal is at risk for addiction? Why or why not? (Be sure to FOCUS ONLY on the information provided in the case study. Do not make assumptions!)

3. What special considerations would you keep in mind given that this client might be struggling with his sexual orientation?

4. Would you involve the parents? Why or why not?  If so, how? ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

Be sure to create one 300-word top level post in ESSAY FORMAT (not numbered responses)