Foundation of Social Science Research

Foundation of Social Science Research

Summary of assessment: For this assignment, you are required to read five journal articles available on VUC which are relevant to the topic ‘Implications of social media use’. This assignment will provide the research evidence required to conduct a coherent review of the literature. In your final literature review you may use more than five articles, but these initial five should provide the main material for you to provide a substantial rationale- or need for this research.Purpose of assessment: This assignment relates to the literature review and is designed to prepare you to develop your research and writing skills. You will be required to summarise 5 separate articles. It is expected that after you summarise these articles you will have enough information to develop your own ideas to integrate and synthesise these in a coherent way, which should clearly build towards the rationale for conducting this research study. Whilst writing these summaries, you should begin to think how you are going to use these articles to guide your own ‘narrative’ when you review the literature. A literature review goes beyond a summary, and instead, puts forward different concepts, identifies the problem statement, possible gaps or issues in the research, and a clear rationale (or need for this research). It might be a little difficult to identify gaps in the research for your literature review until you have engaged with the literature (i.e reading and summarising these 5 articles), but you should begin thinking how you could use these articles.

Brief instructions of assessment: For this assignment, you are required to read the five articles given to you and write 1-2 sentences that summarise the article, 1-2 sentences explaining the research methodology, followed by 2-3 sentences on the findings of the article, and lastly, 1-2 sentences on how the article will contribute to your literature review.