Finding Childcare Sample Essay

Finding Childcare Sample Essay

As a young parent, I have always felt obliged to give my children a better version of life from the one I experienced if not the best. Finding a childcare is the most significant choice to me that I feel I should make as a parent. At their younger ages, I always preferred taking my children with me everywhere I went in the fear that someone could mistreat them. With time, I came to realize that this would not work for a lifetime as I developed too many responsibilities at work. Child care was the best route to take as I could hardly take my kids to work with me on all days. I had heard of so many neglect cases going on in the care centers and had to be keen on choosing the right day care. Enrolling my children to a daycare was a perfect decision as it could help them get ready for school, develop social skills and reduce my workload as well (Babchishin, Romano, & Weegar, 2013). However, I had to be more careful with my choices as gambling with the lives of my kids has always been a big no for me. I had to be certain of care in the specific center.Ideally, the brain of a child undergoes a lot of developments from the birth period to the age of three. I felt that this was the right stage that I could use to establish the desirable foundations on the minds of my children. These developments are highly influenced by the child’s exposure. Children who are brought up by affectionate caregivers are likely to grow to more friendly adults (Vandell & Wolfe, 2012). I was convinced that the environment in the facility which I had enrolled my children could help them develop healthy social skills in their interaction. The daycare facility is less congested and those who ran it could definitely have adequate time for the kids even at a personal level.

I feel that it is very essential to start getting a child ready for school as soon as he or she able to communicate. A child starts learning from birth and it is always good to introduce more complex materials with increase in age (Weglarz-Ward & Santos, 2018). The child care program that I chose has a well-arranged schedule dedicated to shape the learning capabilities of the enrolled children. They have different activities that the children participate on every day. This helps to ensure that each day passes with your child a notch higher than the previous day.Placing my children at a day care unit has helped me to plan for my time with much ease. Initially, I always had to find someone to take care of my children. During some days, the kids would be completely reluctant of remaining back a home and insisted that I should take them with me. This was much challenging as I did not like to turn down their request. Ever since I enrolled them to a daycare, they are overexcited about it and always understand that I cannot always take them with me everywhere.

Finding a childcare was the best thing for me. It has helped in in so many ways. I have enough time for my work and am glad that my children are learning. Although I was reluctant on putting them on a daycare due to the bad reviews that I had received from friends and family, my experience has turned out to be very different. I believe that I had a different experience with the daycare due to the much scrutiny that I made on the facility before settling down for it.