Family Therapeutic Review-Two Case Studies


This nuclear family lives in a low-income area and consists of a father, mother, and two children. The mother is currently seven months pregnant with a third child. The family has no extended relatives who live in the area. The mother’s family lives in Florida and the father’s extended family lives in Maryland.

Father’s family – The father’s parents are deceased due to alcohol-related illness/accidents. The father has one brother who is in jail in Maine for murder.

Mother’s family – The mother’s parents both had a history of type II diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. Her father is deceased and her mother is 65 and currently lives in a nursing home in Florida after suffering a major stroke five years ago. The mother has one sister whose whereabouts are unknown.

Father (Bill) – A 37-year-old male who smokes one pack of cigarettes per day and drinks a six-pack of beer each day. Bill has a disability due to a fall from working a construction job three years ago and suffers from depression. There is a history of both verbal and physical abuse toward his wife when he is drunk. No physical or verbal abuse has been noted toward the couple’s children.

Mother (Sally) – A 35-year-old female who has a history of poorly controlled type II diabetes and hypertension. Sally is obese and has a history of PTSD after seeing her father murdered in a drive-by shooting several years ago. Sally is currently seven months pregnant and has had no prenatal care to date.

Son (Aaron) – A 4-year-old child with poorly controlled asthma.

Son (Nathan) – A 3-year-old child with poorly controlled asthma and developmental delays.

No one in the family has seen a physician in the last year for medical or dental care.

The family is Caucasian and has no religious preferences. They live in a modest three-bedroom home that they rent. The home is in poor condition and is located in a high-crime area. The family notes they are poor with limited income that they get from the father’s disability claim, food stamps, and welfare for their two children. The children do have medical coverage through the state, but because of the long distance to a doctor’s office, they have not been to the doctor recently. The family’s only method of transportation is the bus. They have minimal funds to buy toys or other items for the children and note they have no leisure time activities.

There is a long history of marital problems between Bill and Sally, with poor coping skills and poor parenting skills. Sometimes when Bill gets drunk the police are called, and Bill has been charged with domestic violence.

Power structure –Bill makes all the decisions in the family and controls all the finances. Sally is passive and does what her husband tells her to do.

The family eats a diet high in fat, sugar, and calories. The family has limited resources to buy healthy food and limited access to healthy fruits and vegetables. Sally does all the shopping and cooking for the family. The family admits to eating lots of unhealthy snack foods such as chips and cookies.


Harry and Gladys are an older nuclear family with four grown children. The couple currently lives in an upscale community.

Harry (Father and spouse) – Harry is a retired lawyer who is 86 years old. Both of Harry’s parents died from Alzheimer’s disease. Harry retired from a career as a criminal defense lawyer for the city of San Diego, having served in that position for almost 50 years. Harry is currently suffering from late-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Harry has been known to wander away from home and has had two recent incidents where the police had to be called to find him. He has also had one incident of agitation where he threw a chair through a glass window about two weeks ago. He no longer drives and is dependent on his wife for care including all activities of daily living.

Gladys (Mother and spouse) – Gladys is a retired nurse who is 93 years old. She is in good health but does suffer from mild hypertension and depression. She still drives but has had declining vision over the past six months. She provides total care for her husband and feels it is her total responsibility to care for him as “he was such a loving husband and excellent provider to her and their children.” She does not like outside help with what she sees as her responsibilities. She has only recently allowed her husband to go to a four-hour (morning) adult day care center two days a week so she can run family errands and take care of her other responsibilities. Her father died of a stroke at age 57 and her mother died of natural causes at the age of 102.

Jim (Son) – Jim is a 57-year-old male who lives in New York. He is a lawyer, divorced, and has one child who lives with his former wife. He speaks with his mom and dad every two weeks by phone and came home for a visit about three years ago. He is a workaholic and is devoted to being the best lawyer he can be. He is in good health.

Tim (Son) – Tim is a 64-year-old male with a wife and older children. He is a physician with a busy oncology practice in Maine. He admits to not seeing his parents in over five years but tries to call them when he can. He doesn’t like to visit his parents as he finds it depressing to see his vibrant dad in his current state of mental confusion. He is in good health.

Mabel (Daughter) – Mabel is a 56-year-old female who lives in North Carolina with her husband. They don’t have children. She is a dentist. She too rarely sees her parents but tries to call them at Christmas. She has suffered from depression since the death of her identical twin sister, Marly. Marly died five years ago in a traffic accident as a passenger in Mabel’s car.

Marly (Daughter) – The identical twin sister of Mabel who died five years ago in a traffic accident when Mabel unintentionally ran a red light.

Harry and Gladys are Catholic. They used to go to church on a regular basis but have not attended church in years due to Harry’s Alzheimer’s disease and mental confusion.

They own a newer car and Gladys drives the couple where they need to go. Gladys suffers from declining vision and has had two recent incidents where she hit parked cars while driving and was not aware that she had done so.

They live in an expensive home in an upper-class neighborhood and have adequate financial resources and savings to maintain their current lifestyle. They have health and dental insurance and go to the doctor on a regular basis.

Gladys does all the housework but they do have a gardener that keeps up the yard and pool services to maintain their large backyard pool (which does not have a fence around it). Gladys also handles all the other family affairs, pays bills, purchases groceries, and cleans their large home. There are no in-home support services for the family, but Gladys has recently begun to take Harry to an adult day care center two days a week for four hours. Gladys admits she is stressed about caring for her husband and since he does not sleep well she does not sleep well. She states she is always very tired.

Their extended family and children live on the East Coast and rarely visit them. Gladys likes to play bridge with her friends, but it is getting more and more difficult due to Harry’s mental confusion and the fact that she is his primary caregiver. Other than Gladys’s friends, they have no other social support system in the area.

The family eats a healthy diet with lots of chicken and fish (low sugar, low salt, and low fat), which Gladys prepares. Harry is at his ideal body weight. Gladys is underweight and states she just doesn’t have time to eat, with all her other responsibilities.


This assignment will be split in two documents. Title: Family assessment Review the two community case studies. Select one of them as the basis of your assignments for this class. Provide a brief overview of the family members in the chosen case study. Complete a genogram and ecomap. Explain the key points of therapeutic conversation. Formulate key questions for additional information. Ensure your assessment addresses: • Identifying data • Developmental stage and history of family • Environmental data • Family structure • Family functions • Family stress and coping • Family composition Format your assessment: •875-word summary Submit your genogram and ecomap as a mind map or other visual representation. Title: Community assessment Refer to the Week 2 – Required Learning Activity: Windshield Survey Resources. Examine your own geographical area and find a physical community that matches that of your case study family. Review the windshield survey guidelines. Review the Windshield Survey Resources activity. Observe your case study family′s community by driving around the area. Consider aspects of the community that could affect residents′ health and any Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators that may be applicable to the community. LINK to healthy people: Complete a windshield survey that addresses the following components: • Boundaries • Housing and zoning • Open space • Commons • Transportation • Social service centers • Stores, businesses, and industries • Street people and animals • Condition of the area • Race, culture, and ethnicity • Religion • Health indicators and morbidity • Politics • Media • Signs of decay • Crime rate • Employment rate • Schools • Environmental factors • Public services (fire, police) Compile : •700 word summary