Event Concept Proposal Sample

Event Concept Proposal Sample

ContextThis assessment task will allow you to demonstrate your ability to use client feedback to develop an event proposal in line with industry standards. Your challenge is to consider client feedback and combine it with the concepts that you
have learnt in this subject to develop an event proposal. Your event proposal must demonstrate that you can use industry concepts and knowledge to achieve client objectives. You will need to demonstrate an understanding of their target demographic, objectives, staging and budgetary constraints. The design of your event concept proposal will show evidence of strategic thinking based on your research. You will also prepare your proposal to an industry standard drawing on your creativity and knowledge of the industry.

Client brief/ background information

Building on the concept response that you developed in assessment 1 and considering the feedback that you received from Greater Local Council (i.e. your learning facilitator), you should develop an event concept proposal. Greater Local Council would like to present your event concept proposal to the Councillors at their next meeting. Therefore, your proposal must provide sufficient detail, be logical and demonstrate an understanding of event staging to industry standards.

Assessment requirements
You are required to:
 Write a report (not an essay) that outlines your event proposal and importantly, demonstrates to your client that you have the knowledge to stage their event for them.
 Conduct appropriate and extensive research about your concept using industry resources
 Describe the event concept in terms of Goldblatt’s five W’s: what, where, when, who and why covered in module 1.
 Conduct research that will help you understand your target market and what their event needs are. This should use academic and industry resources to outline your target market in detail and to research similar events that have been staged previously. What can you learn from them that will help make your event a success?
 Outline your suggestions to the Council (no more than 5) and support these ideas by referring to your research.
 Provide detail on the theme for the event and show how this new and unique event concept will appeal to the target audience and help achieve your client’s objectives for staging the event.
 Discuss any potential risks, issues or considerations that your client should be aware of.Layout
Your assessment should contain the following sections:
 Introduction – Discuss the brief and any research or insights that you think are relevant to address it (100 to 120 words).
 What – The style of event that you are proposing. A draft run-sheet would help your
client visualise what you are suggesting (50 to 100 words).
 Where – What location in Greater Local Council should they use? (50 to 100 words).
 When – What is the timing for this event, i.e. what season or month? (50 to 100 words).
 Who – Target demographic, stakeholders and other relevant parties (50 to 100 words).
 Why – Reasoning behind your event concept. What are your objectives? What are the desired outcomes or key success factors that will indicate the event is successful?
(50 to 100 words).
 Theme – Describe the event theme in terms of style, colour, set and décor. Students should take care to ensure that the chosen theme aligns with both the client and the  concept. Marks are awarded for this alignment and relevance. This section should include visual aids (100 to 120 words).
 Timeline – A table or chart (i.e. mini Gantt Chart) detailing the major milestones that the event team will need to achieve in order to deliver the event on time (50 to 75 words).
 Risks and other considerations (50 to 100 words).
 Budget – A broad discussion on how the budget will be spent or where additional revenue will come from (50 words).
 Conclusion – Wrap-up. Leave your client excited about the opportunity of working with you (100 words).
 References – Please reference relevant definitions, concepts, secondary research using APA 6th edition style of referencing. Please see the Academic Skills page on Blackboard for information on referencing in APA 6th edition: https://laureateau.blackboard.com/
Event concept proposals will be assessed based on how well they demonstrate understanding of the brief, the target market and the objectives of Greater Local Council. Event concept proposals will also be assessed on the degree of creativity and industry readiness that they demonstrate.