EL118 Reading TMA Essay

EL118 Reading TMA Essay

Inside Reading 4: The Academic Word List in Context
This assignment is requiring students to outline two articles of their choice on the same theme/topic (non-fictional topic), then write a reflection essay (400 words).
Format and Word Count:

The students should:
• bring two articles (300 words in length each) on the same topic/theme (non-fictional topic) of their choice.

• outline the two articles by skimming, scanning, highlighting and annotating main idea of each paragraph. The students can make a table to compare the main supporting points of each article. (10 marks)

• write a reflection essay (400 words) on what they have read, comprehended and analyzed in the two articles by applying the following sub-reading skills. (25 marks)

o comparing the author’s focus, attitude and/or position in both articles.

o identifying pivot words and explaining their function in each article, if any.

o comparing cause and effect relationships in both articles, if any.

o mentioning different types of categorization/classifications in both articles, if any.

o highlighting advantages and disadvantages in both articles, if any.

o comparing different strategies/instructions/steps in both articles, if any.

EL118 Reading TMA Essay Reflection Sample Essay

Topic: Alcohol Consumption

Comparison Table

The Main Ideas of Each Paragraphs of the Article
Paragraph Article by Feder (2020) Article by Berger (2018)
1 Older and middle-aged adults who take moderate alcohol appear to have better cognition compared with nondrinkers A study by the University of Rochester Medical Center uncovered that taking alcohol can lower brain inflammation and eliminate toxins including the ones associated with Alzheimer’s
2 People who drink a glass or two tend to have an enhanced ability to recall words and vocabularies The study focused mainly on the glymphatic system, the cleaning process of the brain
3 Researchers tested the mental function of 19887 participants between 1996 and 2008 Research has asserted that taking a low to moderate amount of alcohol can lower the risk of dementia. Heavy drinking can increase the risk of cognitive deprivation
4 People who drunk lightly scored higher marks on cognition tests than those who drank heavily Low alcohol doses can improve general brain health and lower the risk of death from different causes like cardiovascular diseases
5 Low-to-moderate drinking implies under eight glasses every week for women and 15 glasses for men. The U.S. drinking regulation is one drink for a woman and two for a man in a day. Drinking moderate amounts of red wine has been hailed for improving the health of the heart due to the presence of resveratrol as its vital ingredient
6 Some researchers have concluded low drinking has no negative impacts on health. Some studies have proved that people who enjoy a drink every day have lower rates of decline in cognition compared with those who do not drink There are however other ways to enjoy the health benefits apart from drinking
7 None of the studies imply drinking is suitable for people’s health. A lot of research show alcohol is  a significant cause of death The American Heart Association does not recommend people to take alcohol to gain benefits. People who must drink should do so moderately.
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EL118 Reading TMA Reflection Essay

Alcohol consumption has been viewed by many critics as a crucial risk factor for disease burdens worldwide. Medical experts have discouraged people from taking alcohol, citing some effects like increased risk of liver diseases, nerve damages, and alcohol poisoning. However, some researchers now claim that drinking small amounts of alcohol is useful to the brain

In an article by Feder (2020), the author cites a study by JAMA, which found that people who took a glass a day have an improved cognitive function. I have realized that the author mainly focused on understanding the health benefits of alcohol. She has demonstrated an objective attitude by focusing on facts rather than emotions. After citing a study by JAMA, she warns that this does not imply that alcohol is good for health. In another article, Berger (2018) examines primary research articles to understand the health benefits of alcohol. She explains that taking small amounts of alcohol can lower brain inflammation and eliminate toxins. While the authors adopt an objective view of their topics, they use a critical tone at the end to warn people concerning the dangers of consuming alcohol.

The pivot words in the first article by Feder (2020) are moderation and cognition, while those in the second article by Berger (2018) are low levels and brain function. In both instances, the words imply that people can only enjoy certain health benefits like increased brain functionality if they take small amounts of alcohol. The authors have, however, warned that alcohol might cause diseases and even death.

The authors demonstrate some cause and effect relationships in their articles. For instance, according to Feder (2020), a lot of research shows that taking a lot of alcohol can cause certain health conditions that may lead to death. Berger (2018), on the other hand, asserts that low doses of alcohol can improve brain functionality minimizing the risk of some diseases like dementia. The authors have shown some level of categorization in both articles by examining two aspects of alcohol consumption: advantages and disadvantages, to achieve a balanced view.

The main strength of the articles is that they have quoted primary research to validate their claims. They have also adopted a critical approach to avoid bias. However, the main weakness is that they have failed to quote any research to prove their claim that alcohol may be harmful. Notably, the authors have used similar strategies and steps to organize their articles. They have provided insightful introductions with thesis statements that demonstrate their central arguments. They have proceeded to examine research articles to show the health benefits of alcohol. In the end, they have advised the readers not to abuse alcohol.

In a nutshell, the authors have provided a balanced discussion of the benefits and limitations of alcohol consumption. They have adopted an objective view to demonstrate how people can gain particular benefits by consuming low amounts of alcohol. Finally, they have used a step-by-step approach to offer a balanced discussion of the central topic.


Berger s. (2018, January 8). A glass of wine after work may be good for your brain, according to science. CNBC. Available from: < https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/02/rochester-medical-center-low-levels-of-alcohol-may-be-good-for-brain.html>. [1 September 2020].

Feder, S. (2020, July 29). Having a few alcoholic drinks, a week may be better for your brain than avoiding alcohol altogether, a study found. Insider. Available from: < https://www.insider.com/having-few-drinks-a-week-might-good-for-brain-study-2020-6>. [1 September 2020].