Education in a Cosmopolitan Society

Education in a Cosmopolitan Society

Cosmopolitanism in education has in the recent years been defined in the dimensions of a moral theory, political philosophy and cultural disposition (Rizvi, 2010). The new point of view is deep-rooted on the fact that the world is becoming more interdependent and connected (Rizvi, 2006). This will help to address most of our problems since most of them occur globally and thus require universal solutions. This paper seeks to critically examine and analyze a specific curriculum document to determine whether it meets the cosmopolitan principles of education. All discussions and conclusions will be drawn from ‘I’m an Australian Too’ by Mem Fox.I’m an Australian Too’ is a record of various stories of Australia and the origins of Australians, their parents, their grandparents and their relatives. It is perfect portrait of the value of multiculturalism and an exploration of the cultural assortment in the modern state. All the children speaking in the story identify themselves as Australians, ‘I’m an Australian too (Mem, 2017).’ They are all Australians regardless of whether their ancestors have lived in Australia for millions of years or themselves in Australia some decades ago or even some hours ago. The book recognizes and validates the knowledge of being aware of one’s origins (The Mummy Project, 2017). However, no origin depicted to be superior to the others. Whether from Europe or Somalia, we are all equally Australians.
Whether one travels to Australia fleeing from conflicts, drought, and famine, seeking adventure or finding a better life they all become Australians. Those who are yet to come to live in Australia but are dreaming about it are also welcome, ‘We open doors for strangers….Where broken hearts are mend (Mem, 2017).’
Ideally, Fox Mem seeks to humanize the refugee and the immigrant treatment which has no place in the contemporary political migration debates (The Mummy Project, 2017).  This is a great book which can help in mobilizing kids to grow into kind and hospitable adults. The encounter with this book at either the lower or mid-primary grade will perfect the children’s view to people of different religions, cultures, and ancestry. I would strongly recommend the use of this book in schools as it recognizes the demands of the cosmopolitan education needs.The book is beautifully designed to address the contemporary ethical issues, social formations, and political realignments. We ought to be kind and considerate to other peoples’ needs. Mem stresses the need to welcome people from the world’s diverse cultures and allow them to be Australians just as we are. New social formations must be established in order to meet the principles of cosmopolitan education. As per the book, Australia is no longer divided by the boundaries of different social subscriptions and ideologies. The diversities rather serve as unifiers resulting to a rich multicultural heritage. The focus laid on the inclusiveness of Australia hurls a grand message of what it takes to be an Australian. Being in Australia is all you require to be Australian. The book, therefore, satisfies the principles of cosmopolitan education on the grounds of universal political cultural and moral dispositions globally.