Edgar Allan Poe in the Hall of Fame

In the American history, there are many writers and poets, but Edgar Allan Poe work outshines all the others both in the past and at the present times. Edgar Allan Poe was an American born in 1809 in Boston Massachusetts, United States. He died at the age of forty in 1849 “[1]”. His parents were professional traveling actors; therefore, they did not witness Edgar growing up. His mother died when Edgar was three years old while his father had abandoned the family earlier. Allan’s family in Richmond raised him as a foster child where he was educated and excelled academically. He did not complete his studies at the University of Virginia since he engaged in gambling where he accumulated many debts. His foster father withdrew his financial support and Edgar was forced to drop out of school. Before engaging in writing fully, Edgar joined the army where he began his writing journey.  He was passionate about literature and spent the better part of his life as a poet, editor, literary critic and author “[2]”. Edgar Allan Poe greatly influenced the American literature. Allan Poe’s writing was between facts and fiction mainly in the science genre, which made him famous and popular in the American literature history. This is the reason why he was included and considered into the Hall of Fame. ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

Allan Poe wrote interesting stories and poems that were captivating to the reader’s imagination. The stories were mainly mysterious and full of horror. Edgar Poe studied history, math, and science while in school. He also studied other languages like French and German. This exposed him to different languages and writing styles making his work exemplary in form and content. This helped him twist his tales to be interesting and educative at the same time.  His stories and poems revolved around particular themes such as romance, intelligence investigations, and evolution.  His work was unique, and many writers have tried to imitate and follow his poems and stories structure, style and literary forms.  He is celebrated for his great influence in both the American and the international literature at large.

Allan Poe writings were successful and influential despite his financial struggles which limited his success as a writer. In 1846, Edgar wanted to start his own journal, but he did not manage “[3]”. The finances he had were too little and could not serve his mission. He was forced to work in publishing firms and magazines where he received a small portion of the profit made. While at the University of Virginia, he dropped in his first year since he lacked financial support. He joined the army where he published his first book “Tamerlane and other Poems,” in 1827.  Later he published his other books like The Al -Aaraaf, Black Cat, Grotesque and Arabesque, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Murders in the Rue Morgue.  He worked with several magazines as an editor, literary critic and a writer where he published most of his short stories. Some of the magazines and firms he worked with are The Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond, Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine and Grahams Magazine and the Broadway Journal where he worked as an editor “[4]”.

Allan Poe had a great impact on the American literature. He was a critic of other writers work. As an editor, he came across many writers and poets. He was a critic of other American English writers. By criticizing their structure and style, he helped them understand the relationship between literary forms and their effects on the story/ poems.  He criticized writers whose work had a close relationship with another authors work. He emphasized on authenticity, imagination, and creativity. In his time, the majority of the American authors imitated the British writers’ literature. According to Edgar Poe, the American writers considered themselves inferior, which limited their creativity and imagination in their writings. He openly condemned poor quality work “[5]”. He explained every criticism he made against fellow writers work. For example, when reviewing Hawthorne work, he emphasized that the author should be able to transfer his mind to the reader and a good story should have an emotional effect on the reader. He commented, “He has not fashioned his thoughts to accommodate his incidents; he then invents such incidents; he then combines such events as may best aid him in establishing this preoccupied effect” “[6]”. These comments influenced the writers’ work that helped them in improving their literature. He was the founder of the “Art for Art Sake” movement, which was in support of his emphasis on literary forms.  He transformed literature not only America but also other countries like France where his works were translated and followed as an example. 

Allan Poe’s writings were highly influential to the American literature. It set an example for other writers to follow. Poe described his stories clearly making it easy for the reader to create the image in his/ her mind. For example, in “The Black Cat,” he describes the way the black cat betrayed him to the police and how they discovered where he had hidden his wife’s corpse “[7]”. Apart from entertaining the reader, Poe’s literature educates the reader on the psychological effects of drugs like alcohol. In The Black Cat, the narrator was initially friendly to the family and the animals that he had tamed. The relationship was destroyed when the narrator engaged in alcoholism. Most of his poems and short stories carry a message to the reader. Apart from being entertained, the reader understands his/her environment better. Through his stories, the reader understands how the subconscious mind operates. In The Black Cat and The Tell-Tale Heart stories, the narrator commits a crime and unknowingly reveals the crime to the authority. From his writings, other writers learn that a short story should not only entertain the reader but also educate to the society.  

            Poe combines several literary devices like flashback, imagery, foreshadowing, and suspense that make his writings captivating and interesting.  In addition, his stories are short making it easier and clear for the audience to read and understand the message being disseminated. He said, “Requiring from a half hour to one or two hours in its perusal” “[8]”.  Through his writing, other writers have learned how to incorporate a variety of literary devices to enrich their creativity. In addition, they emulate Edgar’s writing short stories length, structure, and flow without leaving any key information. Authors have labeled Allan Poe as the short stories architect. ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

Allan Poe ventured into unique areas of horror and mystery that inspired other writers. Most of Poe’s stories and poems are fictions with crime investigation being the central theme. For example, “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” was the first detective short story that Edgar published in 1841. The story was a tricky and unique one since it covers two murders that took place inside a room. The story is twisted in a way that one needs to be keen to analyze the mystery in the story.  Also, in “The Black Cat” short story, the narrator hid his wife’s corpse in the house; this is well exhibited when the police came in for investigation. Poe’s venture into crime investigation themes has influenced many films and television shows producers to feature police investigation in horror movies. It is believed that Edgar Poe inspired writers and television producers to venture into these areas. It is clear that Edgar played a big role in shaping literature in America and internationally. Today, horror and fictions movies and stories have the most audience in the entertainment industry.


It is superficial that Edgar Allan Poe’s work remains as a mirror for many writers even in the present times.  His work is emulated in America and other parts of the world. His criticisms of other American writers work challenged them to believe in themselves.  His work was unique both in literary devices and in content. He was not only interested in entertaining the reader, but also educating them. He is mostly remembered for his emphasis on quality work, originality, precision in short stories and the emotional effect of the story to the reader. Moreover, he shall always be remembered for inspiring filmmakers, TV show producers, poets and other authors to venture in horror and mysteries. ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW


[1] Padilla, Natasha. 2014. American Masters – Edgar Allan Poe: Buried Alive. New York: New York Public Media. https://www.thirteen.org/13pressroom/files/2017/07/AM-Edgar-Allan-Poe-subject-bio-timeline09222017.pdf.

[2] Padilla, Natasha. 2014. American Masters – Edgar Allan Poe: Buried Alive. New York: New York Public Media. https://www.thirteen.org/13pressroom/files/2017/07/AM-Edgar-Allan-Poe-subject-bio-timeline09222017.pdf.

[3] Padilla, Natasha. 2014. American Masters – Edgar Allan Poe: Buried Alive. New York: New York Public Media.                https://www.thirteen.org/13pressroom/files/2017/07/AM-Edgar-Allan-Poe-subject-bio-timeline09222017.pdf

[4]John Tresch. 2009. “The British Journal for the History of Science.” The British Journal for the History of Science 275 ­ 290. doi:10.1017/S0007087497003087,.

[5] Padilla, Natasha. 2014. American Masters – Edgar Allan Poe: Buried Alive. New York: New York Public Media. https://www.thirteen.org/13pressroom/files/2017/07/AM-Edgar-Allan-Poe-subject-bio-timeline09222017.pdf.

[6] Padilla, Natasha. 2014. American Masters – Edgar Allan Poe: Buried Alive. New York: New York Public Media. https://www.thirteen.org/13pressroom/files/2017/07/AM-Edgar-Allan-Poe-subject-bio-timeline09222017.pdf.

[7] John Tresch. 2009. “The British Journal for the History of Science.” The British Journal for the History of Science 275 ­ 290. doi:10.1017/S0007087497003087,.

[8] John Tresch. 2009. “The British Journal for the History of Science.” The British Journal for the History of Science 275 ­ 290. doi:10.1017/S0007087497003087,.