ECOPRO Road Transportation Services
LT2LTR Land Transport: Assignment TWO
This is the second assignment required to complete the LT2LTR module. It contributes 50% towards the overall mark.
This group assessment (2 students maximum) ensures that the following learning outcomes are met:
– Understand the economic and regulatory framework of Transport Operations within the context of the local transport policy.
– Assess the economic performance of the transport function of a company, develop KPIs, and propose transport route planning, vehicle scheduling, service costing and pricing.
– Plan, monitor and cost the logistics operations of an organisation
– Assess the importance of a multimodal approach in the organisation of international trade operations and make recommendations to modify the modal structure of a transport services company to take advantage of the benefits of multi-modal operation.TO SUBMIT:
A report that documents proposals for the provision of road transportation services for ECOPRO (see appended briefing document). It should include:
• An overview of the operational solution that will be provided, (including details of any assumptions made)
• Rationale for the Route choice
• Rationale for the Fleet choice
• Compliant Schedule and Transit Time(s) including trans-shipment points (if any)
• Fleet Operations resources and costings
• Overall Service price
• Key Performance indicator choices and benchmarking
• Continuous improvement proposals
Your report should demonstrate that your solution will comply with relevant legislation governing the operation and use of large road transport vehicles.
Notes: Calculations details using Excel spreadsheets can be added as appendices.
Key Dates:
Activity Deadline
Issue of the ITT 01st October 2024
Return of ‘Acknowledgement of Receipt and Intend to Bid form 19th November 2024
Complete and submit ITT response 08th January 2025 (1600)
Descriptive details of Assignment:
Name: Land Transport
Type: Group (2 students maximum)
Format: Written Report
Length: 2,000 words, not including references and appendices
Referencing style: Harvard
Weighting: 50% of the moduleINVITATION TO TENDER (ITT) ECOPRO – FELICE & FIGLI S.r.l. (09/2024)
Dear Tenderer
The Supply of Import and Export Services
You are invited by ECOPRO acting for itself to tender for the provision of:
The Supply of Export Services
All in terms of, and in accordance with, the Invitation to Tender of which this Invitation to Tender Letter forms part.
There is no guarantee as to the volume of business, if any at all, that any Contractor may receive by virtue of inclusion on the Framework Agreement.
Your Tender must be submitted in accordance with this Invitation to Tender Letter, and in accordance with the attached documents, all of which shall be deemed to form and to be read and to be construed as part of this Invitation to Tender
Tenders will be issued and should be returned through Turnitin. No hard copies will be accepted. It is the responsibility of all Tenderers to ensure that their tender is submitted not later than the appointed time. Tenders received after that time may not be considered.
ECOPRO is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender. ECOPRO reserve the right to cancel or suspend this procurement procedure at any time
Yours sincerely,
John Coltrane
Senior Procurement Manager for ECOPRO