Dry Bulk Shipping Market Report

Dry Bulk Shipping Market Report

Assessed Learning Outcomes: LO1.   Analyse & compare the types and working of markets;

LO2.   Develop the distinctive characteristics of the tramp industry, the freight structure of every shipping industry (liner, tanker, liquid gas and cruise industry) and their organisation;   LO3.   Evaluate the shipping market cycles & their characteristics along with the associated problems and opportunities of businesses involved in these markets during the stages of the shipping cycle;                                                                                      LO4.   Analyse the cost structure of shipping companies and the competition theory and normal profit.

“Select any segment of the Dry Bulk shipping market among the following (1) Dry bulk general market, (2) Capesize, (3) Dry bulk Panamax, (4) Handymax, (5) Handysize, for which you can find on the i-learn uploaded data that we obtained from the Clarkson’s SIN, and prepare a written report on this segment only, in which you will assess its market structure (perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly or monopoly), and analyse the direct connection between ship prices of second hand vessels and new build vessels in that segment at various points of the shipping cycle”.

Assessment instructions:

  • The coursework is an individual assignment of 2,000 words +/- 10%. Please note that the word count does NOT include any appendices, references, table of contents, cover page, and other tables or figures.
  • Details for the assignment format:
  • Any Cover Page that includes also the topic. Only the Plymouth University Student IDs must be noted in terms of your personal data.
  • An appropriate coursework structure could consist of: an abstract, a table of contents (linking chapters to page numbers ), a Table of Figures and a Table of Tables if applicable, an introduction, Literature review of the relevant maritime economics theory & existing research, Methodology, Empirical analysis, Findings and Recommendations, Conclusion, Reference List, and Appendices.
  • Arial font with case size 12 for both the Headings and the text.
    • Students have to follow the Harvard citation guide for both in-text references and the entries of the Reference List. For details, please refer to http://plymouth.libguides.com/c.php?g=48936&p=691231 or to the “useful links” folder on the upper part of the module’s site on the i-learn within which you will find and download the file “Harvard Referencing System” which is also shown in Greek under the title “Σύστημα παραπομπών Χάρβαρντ”.
  • Submission Details: Your coursework must be saved in a word document file (NOT in a pdf format).
  • Students must submit their papers by using only their student ID number and NOT their names.
  • Submit the coursework through the Turnitin link within the module’s site on the i-learn.
  • You are required to submit a reference list.
  • This assessment is open book. With this being a take home assignment, you have flexibility to use materials you may wish; the work submitted must be your own work. The use of any other person’s work without appropriate referencing constitutes plagiarism and is an assessment offence according to University Regulations

Feedback will be provided to all students in a constructive, timely and meaningful way. The modes of feedback will include:

  • Class discussion of the assignment in progress.
  • Individual consultations via comments on a first draft of the assignment and finally,
  • Comments on the submitted assignment.

These forms of feedback ensure that you as a student have an understanding, of the assessment criteria.  Furthermore, you will be able to realise how your learning can benefit from reflecting and acting upon class and individual feedback given.