Developing an Expatriate Policy

As the HR manager in a medium sized Australian accounting company with joint venture investments in the United Kingdom, Turkey and China, write a company policy covering expatriate assignments. The policy should be based on leading practices, and cover selection, pre-departure (training, cross-cultural training), during assignment (performance and compensation management), and post assignment issues, including aspects addressed in Vance (2015) Chapters 6-10, as well as material from your readings.ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW. Hofstede’s cultural dimension need to be applied to each country. You need to give definitions and explain every cultural dimension and based on the different cultural dimension of different country, to make different policies.   Your company’s strategy is based on the provision of quality services at a competitive (but not the lowest) price. The company has a very strong equal opportunity culture, and the policy also needs to address issues relating to women and minorities. The report needs to be written as a policy document include policy statement, not an essay, but you must include in text references and a reference list indicating where you have sourced your best practice concepts. This list must include at least 12 articles (excluding the textbook): 10 academic articles and 2 reputable consulting company reports.

Assessment Criteria for Task 3 are based on the following:

  1. Leading practices have been identified and developed into policy statements (20%)
  2. Synthesis of the relevant literature used. (20%)
  3. Practices and assertions substantiated through use of high quality reference material and key academic perspectives/views (20%)
  4. Explicit linking of the literature to the policy. (10%)
  5. The avoidance of opinions or arguments that are not substantiated by quality references.
  6. Clear and comprehensive written style (spelling, grammar, syntax.) (10%)
  7. Policy format, not essay, used (10%) ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW
  8. Appropriate Harvard style referencing (in-text and list of references) refer (10%)