Definition Essay using the Word Conquer
In athletics, a specific athlete is branded a conqueror if he or she beats the rest in a given competition. The conquerors in athletics are widely referred to as champions and must show dominance over the others. At every point of life, we all encounter incidents that require us to overcome a specific force whether natural or calculated to emerge successful. It could be in a competition with other people, with oneself or even with the natural world. All these forms of forces require one to conquer them to attain their goals. Conquer does not only entail winning in a battle as many people presuppose; it is rather tied to diverse concepts which might even have nothing to do with the application of physical force. However, regardless of the force in action, one must apply some effort either mental, emotional or physical. For example, in an examination situation, a student might conquer his or her fear of sitting for the test. Similarly, invaders to a specific town may conquer the inhabitants of the city by seizing their land and property. Conquer is measured in terms of the effort, persistence and perseverance applied and the success gained in the intended mission; as such, for one to earn the title âconquerorâ they must overcome a challenge, gain victory and prevail over the stated force whether physically, mentally or emotionally. Conquer entails some aspects in life that we might view as minute and could not even appear in our lists of tasks that amount to conquering. JJ Goode in his essay Single-Handed Cooking recounts how the exercise of cooking could be demanding especially for people seeking perfection. Ideally, many people have never thought of looking at cooking through the lens of conquering as the exercise appears too obvious. Goode admits that although cooking is a task that everyone should perform comfortably, he suffers countless mistakes that could amount to failures (Goode 151). The statement that mistakes in cooking may sound as failures elevates the task to a higher level involvement that has both conquerors and failures. Those who cook perfectly without much struggle could be termed as conquerors while those who struggle in the entire exercise and still produce imperfect results could be termed as failures. As earlier mentioned, one has to apply effort for them to conquer. While some people are good in cooking, others lack the effort to keep up with the turbulence in the kitchen, âSome people say the kitchen I where thy clear their heads; for me itâs where I face my demons (Goode 151).â Since not every person succeeds in cooking a good meal, the effort that is applied in cooking should be recognized. Good cooks manage to prepare good meals amidst many risks such as cutting themselves with the sharp objects used or even getting burnt by the fire. Therefore, in the cooking process, one not only competes with fellow cooks but also cooking challenges such as getting burnt.
In athletics, it comes a time of the year when competitive cheerleaders are required to prepare to conquer at different competition levels. Being an athlete, I have learned that emerging a conqueror demands a lot from any athlete. Becoming a conqueror is a process that requires one to closely adhere to a set of discipline measures. Firstly, one must prepare adequately by investing a big deal of effort even at the pre-competition level. Athletes must conquer their fears of losing if at all they have to emerge champions in the race. Almost everyone gets nervous whenever there is a competition. Although I have competed for years and emerged the winner in many occasions, I still get nervous and feel inadequate in certain competition. At times, I feel that there are emerging athletes who are much better than me and are capable of winning the race. However, the fact does not put me off as I am always determined to conquer. At such times I practice much often an engagement that enables me to conquer the fear within me. At the actual competitions, I always ensure that I am physically fit and have all that it takes to win the race.In athletics, the athlete not only competes with fellow athletes but also with their inner voice. In most of the occasions, one feels super exhausted and contemplates between either quitting or running more. It is perseverance and determination that keeps the athlete moving. Persistence is key for any athlete who wills to be a conqueror amongst other strong-willed athletes. Even when my inner self tells me that I cannot run further, I tell myself that it is not true as I hold the desire to conquer boldly and dearly. Every time I win, I not only gain a sense of self-fulfillment but also acceptance from both the spectators and fellow competitors.
Every person wants to conquer and makes plans to overcome challenges. However, it calls for adequate planning and determination to conquer. Whether the effort required is emotional, mental or physical, one must have the driving force to prevail in all circumstances. Critically, it is the satisfaction that comes with conquering that makes a person to keep fighting. Conquerors at specific fields usually earn reverence from other people especially those who were unable to reach their standards.